I don't know how to fix this, and I honestly don't know what caused this with chebfun

2 次查看(过去 30 天)


Stephen23 2024-2-13
编辑:Stephen23 2024-2-13
"...I honestly don't know what caused this with chebfun"
You modified the function (perhaps accidentally) by adding some code outside of the function definition. By doing so you turn the Mfile into a script (which of course cannot be called like a function with input arguments).
"I don't know how to fix this..."
Remove any code that you added outside of the function definition. Users sometime do this accidentally at the very start of a function help when opening in the editor or when copy-pasting a function from somwhere, e.g.:
ooops % <- this turns the Mfile into a script!
% My wonderful function cannot be called :(
function myfun(inp)
If you are unable to find and remove your extra code then just download that function again.
  2 个评论
Isaiah 2024-2-13
First of all I just want to say thank you, and while I kind of understand what you were saying here, I can't seem to find what the supposed extra code is. You also suggeseted re-downloading the function and I was wondering how to do that.
Stephen23 2024-2-13
"You also suggeseted re-downloading the function and I was wondering how to do that."
Go to the place where you got that function from ... and get a new copy. For example, from here:


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