How to find cell that contain word that i want ?

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hi guys, may you help me creating the code to get some data from the table. Please see the table below:
Now im trying to get 'Hingestate' from cell 1H2, 2H2, 3H2, 4H2. I can collect it one by one like my code below:
columnhinge1H2 = hingeresult.HingeState(strcmp(hingeresult.GenHinge,'1H2'))
columnhinge2H2 = hingeresult.HingeState(strcmp(hingeresult.GenHinge,'2H2'))
columnhinge3H2 = hingeresult.HingeState(strcmp(hingeresult.GenHinge,'3H2'))
columnhinge4H2 = hingeresult.HingeState(strcmp(hingeresult.GenHinge,'4H2'))
but how can i get the four data in one variable ? Theese all contain the same word 'H2' right? so how to get thoose 'HingeState' data for all cell data which contains 'H2'
thanks i hope u understand


Friedrich Welck
Friedrich Welck 2024-2-21
columnhingeAllH2 = hingeresult.HingeState(contains(hingeresult.GenHinge,'H2'))

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