Matlab trial license problem after 10 days of installing it

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello all, I am new in the Debian and Linux, I got the MAtlab 10 days maybe ago with the free license, the idea that it is working well when I am at the university, but when I come home it stops working and gives this meassage:
License checkout failed.
License Manager Error -9
The hostid of your computer (e0d4647bc843) does not match the hostid of the license file (747827c309b9).
To run on this computer, you must run the Activation client to reactivate your license.
what is the problem, yesterday and today it is working well and normall without any change at the university but at the home it does not. I installed it at the university and was connected to the university network, is it meaning anything?

回答(1 个)

Torsten 2024-2-23
移动:Torsten 2024-2-23
So you try to work both with a university licence and a personal (trial) licence ? Isn't it usually the case that you can also work with the university licence when you are at home ?
The forum won't be able to help you. You should contact your IT department of the university and/or Technical Support:
  2 个评论
abdallah 2024-2-23
no it is just the personal license, I installed MAtlab and get license by myself, i took it using my univ email.
Torsten 2024-2-23
编辑:Torsten 2024-2-23
I installed it at the university and was connected to the university network, is it meaning anything?
It should be clear that you cannot work with one licence on several different machines.
Anyhow: Contact Technical Support to search for a solution.



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