Deactivated MATLAB license on one computer but would not activate on another
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I recently renewed an older MATLAB licence that was validated for testing purposes against a laptop. However, I decided to move this license to another computer. I uninstalled all software from the original computer and clicked, deactivate. Today I can't use my licensed softare on my new destination computer.
1 个评论
Walter Roberson
That can happen if you exceed the number of transfers that are permitted in a one-year period.
回答(1 个)
Jatin Singh
As per the agreement you have a limited number of licence transfers that you can perform in a year. You can follow the steps mentioned below to access your licence agreement.
- Go to the root installation directory of MATLAB and open “licence_agreement.txt”.
- Go to the Help menu in MATLAB and click on “Terms of Use”.
If you are not sure about how to deactivate the licence on old machine, you can follow the steps mentioned in the MATLAB Answers:
If the new machine has the MathWorks product already installed, you may follow the steps in the MATLAB Answer to transfer the licence by activating to the new machine:
If you are still facing issue regarding installing and activating licence on your machine you may want to contact the MathWorks support:
Hope this helps!
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