normalize(A,"range") function throwing error of "Too many input arguments." in Matlab 2023a.

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am using Matlab 2023a and trying to use normalize function as given in the document
A = 1:5;
Ns = normalize(A,"scale")
It gives me the following error.
Too many input arguments.
  6 个评论
Asif Arain
Asif Arain 2024-2-27
Thanks @Stephen23 and @Aquatris. The built-in normalize was confused with geom2d's normalize. I think its better to rename geom2d normalize.
Stephen23 2024-2-27
编辑:Stephen23 2024-2-28
" I think its better to rename geom2d normalize."
You will have to also check and possibly rename every NORMALIZE function call within that badly-written toolbox... and probably also the names of every other function that are defined by that toolbox.
Simpler to remove the badly-written toolbox from the search path.


回答(1 个)

Alexander 2024-2-26
Move "Q:\matlab-toolbox\geom2d" with pathtool to the bottom and save. If it is in your startup file apply -end like this:
addpath Q:\matlab-toolbox\geom2d -end;
  3 个评论
Asif Arain
Asif Arain 2024-2-27
编辑:Asif Arain 2024-2-27
Is there a way MATLAB thows a warning when more than one functions exist with the same name in the path directories?
Stephen23 2024-2-27
"Is there a way MATLAB thows a warning when more than one functions exist with the same name in the path directories?"
No. Because this is completely normal and expected (e.g. overloaded functions).



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