Can this code be rearranged to run successfully

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% I got the following code from:
% want to rearrange and run
numBoundaryConditionPoints = [25 25];
x0BC1 = -1*ones(1,numBoundaryConditionPoints(1)); x0BC2 = ones(1,numBoundaryConditionPoints(2));
t0BC1 = linspace(0,1,numBoundaryConditionPoints(1)); t0BC2 = linspace(0,1,numBoundaryConditionPoints(2));
u0BC1 = zeros(1,numBoundaryConditionPoints(1)); u0BC2 = zeros(1,numBoundaryConditionPoints(2));
numInitialConditionPoints = 50;
x0IC = linspace(-1,1,numInitialConditionPoints); t0IC = zeros(1,numInitialConditionPoints);
u0IC = - sin(pi*x0IC);
X0 = [x0IC x0BC1 x0BC2]; T0 = [t0IC t0BC1 t0BC2]; U0 = [u0IC u0BC1 u0BC2];
numInternalCollocationPoints = 10000;
pointSet = sobolset(2); points = net(pointSet,numInternalCollocationPoints);
dataX = 2*points(:,1)-1; dataT = points(:,2); ds = arrayDatastore([dataX dataT]);
numLayers = 9; numNeurons = 20;
parameters = struct;
sz = [numNeurons 2];
parameters.fc1.Weights = initializeHe(sz,2);
'initializeHe' is used in Solve Partial Differential Equations Using Deep Learning.
parameters.fc1.Bias = initializeZeros([numNeurons 1]);
for layerNumber=2:numLayers-1
name = "fc"+layerNumber;
sz = [numNeurons numNeurons];
numIn = numNeurons;
parameters.(name).Weights = initializeHe(sz,numIn);
parameters.(name).Bias = initializeZeros([numNeurons 1]);
sz = [1 numNeurons]; numIn = numNeurons;
parameters.("fc" + numLayers).Weights = initializeHe(sz,numIn);
parameters.("fc" + numLayers).Bias = initializeZeros([1 1]);
numEpochs = 3000; miniBatchSize = 1000; executionEnvironment = "auto";
initialLearnRate = 0.01; decayRate = 0.005;
mbq = minibatchqueue(ds, MiniBatchSize=miniBatchSize, MiniBatchFormat="BC", OutputEnvironment=executionEnvironment);
X0 = dlarray(X0,"CB"); T0 = dlarray(T0,"CB"); U0 = dlarray(U0);
if (executionEnvironment == "auto" && canUseGPU) || (executionEnvironment == "gpu")
X0 = gpuArray(X0); T0 = gpuArray(T0); U0 = gpuArray(U0);
averageGrad = []; averageSqGrad = [];
accfun = dlaccelerate(@modelLoss);
figure(1), C = colororder; lineLoss = animatedline(Color=C(2,:));
ylim([0 inf]),xlabel("Iteration"),ylabel("Loss"),grid on
start = tic; iteration = 0;
for epoch = 1:numEpochs
while hasdata(mbq)
iteration = iteration + 1;
XT = next(mbq); X = XT(1,:); T = XT(2,:);
% Evaluate the model loss and gradients using dlfeval and the modelLoss function.
[loss,gradients] = dlfeval(accfun,parameters,X,T,X0,T0,U0);
% Update learning rate.
learningRate = initialLearnRate / (1+decayRate*iteration);
% Update the network parameters using the adamupdate function.
[parameters,averageGrad,averageSqGrad] = adamupdate(parameters,gradients,averageGrad, ...
% Plot training progress.
loss = double(gather(extractdata(loss)));
addpoints(lineLoss,iteration, loss);
D = duration(0,0,toc(start),Format="hh:mm:ss");
title("Epoch: " + epoch + ", Elapsed: " + string(D) + ", Loss: " + loss)
tTest = [0.25 0.5 0.75 1];
numPredictions = 1001;
XTest = linspace(-1,1,numPredictions);
for i=1:numel(tTest)
t = tTest(i);
TTest = t*ones(1,numPredictions);
% Make predictions.
XTest = dlarray(XTest,"CB");
TTest = dlarray(TTest,"CB");
UPred = model(parameters,XTest,TTest);
% Calculate true values.
UTest = solveBurgers(extractdata(XTest),t,0.01/pi);
% Calculate error.
err = norm(extractdata(UPred) - UTest) / norm(UTest);
% Plot predictions.
ylim([-1.1, 1.1])
% Plot true values.
hold on
plot(XTest, UTest, "--",LineWidth=2)
hold off
title("t = " + t + ", Error = " + gather(err));
%%% Solve Burger's Equation Function
function U = solveBurgers(X,t,nu)
% Define functions.
f = @(y) exp(-cos(pi*y)/(2*pi*nu));
g = @(y) exp(-(y.^2)/(4*nu*t));
% Initialize solutions.
U = zeros(size(X));
% Loop over x values.
for i = 1:numel(X)
x = X(i);
% Calculate the solutions using the integral function. The boundary
% conditions in x = -1 and x = 1 are known, so leave 0 as they are
% given by initialization of U.
if abs(x) ~= 1
fun = @(eta) sin(pi*(x-eta)) .* f(x-eta) .* g(eta);
uxt = -integral(fun,-inf,inf);
fun = @(eta) f(x-eta) .* g(eta);
U(i) = uxt / integral(fun,-inf,inf);
%%% Model Loss Function
function [loss,gradients] = modelLoss(parameters,X,T,X0,T0,U0)
% Make predictions with the initial conditions.
U = model(parameters,X,T);
% Calculate derivatives with respect to X and T.
gradientsU = dlgradient(sum(U,"all"),{X,T},EnableHigherDerivatives=true);
Ux = gradientsU{1};
Ut = gradientsU{2};
% Calculate second-order derivatives with respect to X.
Uxx = dlgradient(sum(Ux,"all"),X,EnableHigherDerivatives=true);
% Calculate lossF. Enforce Burger's equation.
f = Ut + U.*Ux - (0.01./pi).*Uxx;
zeroTarget = zeros(size(f), "like", f);
lossF = mse(f, zeroTarget);
% Calculate lossU. Enforce initial and boundary conditions.
U0Pred = model(parameters,X0,T0);
lossU = mse(U0Pred, U0);
% Combine losses.
loss = lossF + lossU;
% Calculate gradients with respect to the learnable parameters.
gradients = dlgradient(loss,parameters);
%%% Model Function
function U = model(parameters,X,T)
XT = [X;T];
numLayers = numel(fieldnames(parameters));
% First fully connect operation.
weights = parameters.fc1.Weights;
bias = parameters.fc1.Bias;
U = fullyconnect(XT,weights,bias);
% tanh and fully connect operations for remaining layers.
for i=2:numLayers
name = "fc" + i;
U = tanh(U);
weights = parameters.(name).Weights;
bias = parameters.(name).Bias;
U = fullyconnect(U, weights, bias);

回答(1 个)

Jaimin 2024-8-9
Based on the issue description, it appears that the provided example in the documentation is not functioning as intended.
Instead of rearranging this code, you can utilize the complete code from the example. Here are the steps you can follow:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Click on "Copy command" (located in the top right corner) highlighted in a red box in above image.
Step 3:
Open MATLAB and paste this command in “Command Window”. After that you can execute the code.
I hope this will help resolve the issue.


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