This is my code but it is not working since matlab is not recognizing some functions ://
function catchKeyPress
% Connect to CoppeliaSim remote API server
vrep = remApi('remoteApi');
vrep.simxFinish(-1); % Close all current connections
clientID = vrep.simxStart('', 19000, true, true, 5000, 5);
% Check connection status
if clientID > -1
disp('Connected to CoppeliaSim');
% Create a figure window for keypress detection
h = figure;
set(h, 'KeyPressFcn', @(src, event) handleKeyPress(event, vrep, clientID));
% Initialize target position
targetPosition = [0, 0, 0];
% Main simulation loop (replace with your simulation code)
while ishandle(h)
% Update your simulation with the current targetPosition
% Your simulation code here
% Pause for a short duration (adjust as needed)
% Close the CoppeliaSim connection
disp('Failed to connect to CoppeliaSim');
% Function to handle key presses
function handleKeyPress(event, vrep, clientID)
global targetPosition;
% Get the pressed key
keyPressed = event.Key;
% Update targetPosition based on arrow key presses
switch keyPressed
case 'rightarrow'
targetPosition(1) = targetPosition(1) + 0.01; % +0.01 in x-direction
case 'leftarrow'
targetPosition(1) = targetPosition(1) - 0.01; % -0.01 in x-direction
case 'uparrow'
targetPosition(2) = targetPosition(2) + 0.01; % +0.01 in y-direction
case 'downarrow'
targetPosition(2) = targetPosition(2) - 0.01; % -0.01 in y-direction
% Print the updated target position
fprintf('Updated Target Position: [%.2f, %.2f, %.2f]\n', targetPosition);
% Call your CoppeliaSim remote API function to set the target position
% Use vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(clientID, targetHandle, -1, targetPosition, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot);
% Note: Replace targetHandle with the actual handle of your target object in CoppeliaSim
" Error in matlabxcop>handleKeyPress (line 48)
targetPosition(2) = targetPosition(2) + 0.01; % +0.01 in y-direction
Error in matlabxcop>@(src,event)handleKeyPress(event,vrep,clientID) (line 13)
set(h, 'KeyPressFcn', @(src, event) handleKeyPress(event, vrep, clientID)); "