Installing real time kernel on RHEL 9 (RedHat Enterprise 9)

35 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to install real time kernel for my matlab 2023b on Redhat 9, which is currently running on 5.14.0-362.18.1.el9_3.x86_64. by running:
sldrtkernel -install
It returns with:
Error using sldrtkernel>RunInstaller
Linux kernel version of your system is not compatible with Simulink Desktop Real-Time. Please update your
operating system.
Error in sldrtkernel>sldrtk_setup (line 132)
result = RunInstaller(prompt, 'install');
Error in sldrtkernel (line 67)
retval = sldrtk_setup(prompt);
I've already checked <MATLAB_INSTALLATION_PATH>/toolbox/sldrt/kernel/glnxa64 and under that directory it says RedHat-5.14-gcc-11 is supported but still i am prompted by this error. what should I do?


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-3-8
You are using RedHat 9.3, but currently it is restricted to RedHat 9.2

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