How to create separate data for daylight hours and nighttime hours in MATLAB?

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear all,
I have hourly surface temperature data from the model output. The data is a 3D matrix with a size of 303×185×1176 (lon×lat×time). Now, I have to create two matrixes from the existing data. One matrix will be for only daylight hours (6.30 AM-6.30 PM) and another matrix will be for only nighttime hours (6.30 PM-5.30 AM). Since the timestep of the model output is in UTC, I have to add 5.30 with the model hours to get the IST (Indian standard time). The model hours starts from 00:00 UTC on frst simulation day and ends to 00:00 UTC on last simulation day.Thus, in my case, for the first day, daylight hours start from the timesteps 1 to 13, and nighttime hours start from the timesteps 13 to 24. So, we have to add 24 hours to the above timestep ranges to get the daytime and nighttime hours for the next day. Similarly, for the day after the next day, we have to add 48 hours with the first timestep ranges for getting the daytime and nighttime hours, and so on. I tried with the following MATLAB code:
num_hours_per_day = 24;
num_days = size(ST_data, 3) / num_hours_per_day;
daytime_start = 1; % Initial daytime start timestep
nighttime_start = 13; % Initial nighttime start timestep
num_hours = size(ST_data, 3);
% Initialize daytime and nighttime matrices
daytime_matrix = [];
nighttime_matrix = [];
% Loop through each day
for day = 1:num_days
% Calculate indices for daytime and nighttime hours
daytime_indices = daytime_start:daytime_start+12; % Daytime hours (01:00 to 13:00)
nighttime_indices = nighttime_start:nighttime_start+11; % Nighttime hours (14:00 to 24:00)
% Update daytime and nighttime matrices
daytime_matrix(:,:,daytime_indices) = ST_data(:,:,daytime_indices);
nighttime_matrix(:,:,nighttime_indices) = ST_data(:,:,nighttime_indices);
% Update start timesteps for the next day
daytime_start = daytime_start + 24;
nighttime_start = nighttime_start + 24;
But, I think that my code is incorrect. Because, after running the code, the size of daytime_matrix is 303×185×1165 and nighttime_matrix is 303×185×1176. If I am separating the total hours into daytime and nighttime, then the size of the third dimension of each matrix should be almost half of the total timestep. So, can anyone please help me to create the correct MATLAB code according to the above calculation? Any help will be highly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration.
With regards,


Star Strider
Star Strider 2024-3-21
It would be best to begin by importing your data to a table using the readtable function. The date and time values (whatever they are) should be automatically imported as a datetime array. Setting the original timezone as UTC and then converting it to your local time is straightforward, as are the logical operations necessary to separate daytime and nighttime. If necessary, you can also convert your data to a timetable using the table2timetable function. Other possibilities, for example using the retime function are then possible as well.
  8 个评论
ANKAN SARKAR 2024-3-22
Dear all,
Thank you all for your continious responses. I have attached a sample data (.mat files) for you since only files of less than 5MB are allowed to upload here. However, I think it will also help you to understand the structure of my data. Please find the attachments. And, it will be helpful if you can provide any sample MATLAB code using these files, so that I can run in my MATLAB and understand better of what you are saying. Otherwise I am not able to understand properly that how I can create two sepearte matrixes among which one will consist of only day hours and other one will contain only data for night hours. I am really looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks in advance.
With regards,
Star Strider
Star Strider 2024-3-22
It took a while to get this to work. In order to test it, I finally created my own separate ste of variables, and it works with them. I cannot determine if it works correctly with your data set, since the time vector is not long enough.
I cannot get the time logic get the logic to work with fractional hours (06:30 and 18:30). The isbetween function does not like to work with them, and I cannot figure out how to combine the hour and minute part of the time to create the logic to work with them. For one day this would be relatively straightforward, however foir several days it would require looping through each day separately. So, I ended up going with integer hours.
Try this —
% whos
ST = ST_data;
TUCT = datetime(time, 'ConvertFrom','posix', 'TimeZone','UCT')
Warning: 'UCT' specifies a time zone with a fixed offset from UTC, +00:00. This zone does not follow daylight saving time, and so may give unexpected results. See the datetime.TimeZone property for details about specifying time zones.
TUCT = 72x1 datetime array
07-Jan-1970 22:23:13 07-Jan-1970 22:23:14 07-Jan-1970 22:23:15 07-Jan-1970 22:23:16 07-Jan-1970 22:23:17 07-Jan-1970 22:23:18 07-Jan-1970 22:23:19 07-Jan-1970 22:23:20 07-Jan-1970 22:23:21 07-Jan-1970 22:23:22 07-Jan-1970 22:23:23 07-Jan-1970 22:23:24 07-Jan-1970 22:23:25 07-Jan-1970 22:23:26 07-Jan-1970 22:23:27 07-Jan-1970 22:23:28 07-Jan-1970 22:23:29 07-Jan-1970 22:23:30 07-Jan-1970 22:23:31 07-Jan-1970 22:23:32 07-Jan-1970 22:23:33 07-Jan-1970 22:23:34 07-Jan-1970 22:23:35 07-Jan-1970 22:23:36 07-Jan-1970 22:23:37 07-Jan-1970 22:23:38 07-Jan-1970 22:23:39 07-Jan-1970 22:23:40 07-Jan-1970 22:23:41 07-Jan-1970 22:23:42
[s,f] = bounds(TUCT)
s = datetime
07-Jan-1970 22:23:13
f = datetime
07-Jan-1970 22:24:24
TZ = '+05:30'; % IST Offset
TIST.TimeZone = TZ % Set This For Your Time Zone
TIST = 72x1 datetime array
08-Jan-1970 03:53:13 08-Jan-1970 03:53:14 08-Jan-1970 03:53:15 08-Jan-1970 03:53:16 08-Jan-1970 03:53:17 08-Jan-1970 03:53:18 08-Jan-1970 03:53:19 08-Jan-1970 03:53:20 08-Jan-1970 03:53:21 08-Jan-1970 03:53:22 08-Jan-1970 03:53:23 08-Jan-1970 03:53:24 08-Jan-1970 03:53:25 08-Jan-1970 03:53:26 08-Jan-1970 03:53:27 08-Jan-1970 03:53:28 08-Jan-1970 03:53:29 08-Jan-1970 03:53:30 08-Jan-1970 03:53:31 08-Jan-1970 03:53:32 08-Jan-1970 03:53:33 08-Jan-1970 03:53:34 08-Jan-1970 03:53:35 08-Jan-1970 03:53:36 08-Jan-1970 03:53:37 08-Jan-1970 03:53:38 08-Jan-1970 03:53:39 08-Jan-1970 03:53:40 08-Jan-1970 03:53:41 08-Jan-1970 03:53:42
[start,finish] = bounds(TIST)
start = datetime
08-Jan-1970 03:53:13
finish = datetime
08-Jan-1970 03:54:24
Daytime = hour(TIST)>=6 & hour(TIST)<=18;
Check = [numel(Daytime) nnz(Daytime)]
Check = 1x2
72 0
Excerpt = squeeze(ST_data(1,2,:));
plot(TIST(Daytime), Excerpt(Daytime), '-r', 'DisplayName','Daytime')
hold on
plot(TIST(~Daytime), Excerpt(~Daytime), '-b', 'DisplayName','Nighttime')
hold off
% For Demonstration & Testing Purposes Only — Not Part Of Functioning Code
tv = datetime('07-Jan-1970 00:00') + minutes(0:15:4500).'; % Create Data To Check Logic
tv.TimeZone = TZ;
dv = randn(size(tv));
% Daytime = hour(tv)>=6 & minute(tv)>=30 & hour(tv)<=18 & minute(tv)<=30;
% Daytime = hour(tv)>=6.5 & hour(tv)<=18.5;
Daytime = hour(tv)>=6 & hour(tv)<=18;
plot(tv(Daytime), dv(Daytime), '-r', 'DisplayName','Daytime')
hold on
plot(tv(~Daytime), dv(~Daytime), '-b', 'DisplayName','Nighttime')
hold off
% xline(datetime('07-Jan-1970 06:30','InputFormat','dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm'), '--k')
% xline(datetime('07-Jan-1970 18:30','InputFormat','dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm'), '--k')
I also cannot get xline to work with datetime arguments. I thought that worked at one point, however I cannot make it work here. It just throws a warning.


更多回答(1 个)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2024-3-21
Since the timestep of the model output is in UTC, I have to add 5.30 with the model hours to get the IST (Indian standard time).
Rather than trying to do the date and time arithmetic yourself, you probably should specify the TimeZone when you construct the datetime array from your data and then change that property as necessary.
N = datetime('now', TimeZone = 'America/New_York', Format="dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss a Z")
N = datetime
21-Mar-2024 01:31:40 PM -0400
N.TimeZone = 'UTC'
N = datetime
21-Mar-2024 05:31:40 PM +0000
I see two time zone names in the time zone database with a UTC offset of 5.5 hours, so you could use one of those.
data = timezones;
data(data.UTCOffset == 5.5, :)
ans = 2x4 table
Name Area UTCOffset DSTOffset _________________ ____ _________ _________ {'Asia/Calcutta'} Asia 5.5 0 {'Asia/Colombo' } Asia 5.5 0
Then you can extract parts of your data like the timeofday.
timeSinceMidnight = timeofday(N)
timeSinceMidnight = duration
You could also use isbetween.
isDuringWorkingHours = isbetween(timeSinceMidnight, hours(9), hours(17)) % 9 AM - 5 PM
isDuringWorkingHours = logical
But is it working hours in New York?
N.TimeZone = 'America/New_York'
N = datetime
21-Mar-2024 01:31:40 PM -0400
timeSinceMidnight = timeofday(N)
timeSinceMidnight = duration
isDuringWorkingHours = isbetween(timeSinceMidnight, hours(9), hours(17)) % 9 AM - 5 PM
isDuringWorkingHours = logical
As I type this it's 1:31 PM so yes, it's normal business working hours.




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