Why do i get "Error using vertcat Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent" while using fmincon to do nonlinear optimization

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
i am currently working on a fmincon codes about power optimization with non linear constraints.
i have met this error. However, as i searched, it seems appear for error in matrix calculation. there really isnt matrix calcualtion in my codes
"Error using vertcat Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent"
Below are my codes
%% Define Objective Function
ai = 1;
bi = 1;
ci = 1;
di = 1;
ei = 1;
fun = @(x) ai*x(1) + bi*x(2) + ci*x(3) + di*x(4) + ei*x(5)
function Impedance= Z(R,L,C)
w = 3.141592653589793e+02;
Impedance = R+L*w*j-C*w*j;
function PAngle = Pangle(P,Q)
PAngle = atan(Q/P);
function ZAngle = Zangle(Z)
ZAngle = atan( (imag(Z)/j) /(real(Z)));
%% Set Parameters for fmincon
A = [];
b = [];
Aeq = [];
beq = [];
lb = [0,0,0,0,0];
ub = [inf,inf,inf,inf,inf];
%% Provide Initial Point for fmincon%
x0 = zeros(5,1);
%% Define Nonlinear Constraints
nonlcon = @(x)power(x);
%% Set Parameters for fmincon and Call fmincon
%options = optimoptions('fmincon','Algorithm','sqp');
%[x,fval] = fmincon(@(x)fun(x),x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon,options);
[x,fval] = fmincon(@(x)fun(x),x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon);
function [c,ceq] = power(x)
Z12 = Z(88e-3,130e-6,0);
Z15 = Z(13e-3,280e-6,0);
Z35 = Z(78e-3,50e-3,0);
Z45 = Z(29e-3,467e-6,0);
Z6 = Z(30e-3,147e-6,0);
w = 3.141592653589793e+02;
Y12 = 1/Z12;
Y15 = 1/Z15;
Y35 = 1/Z35;
Y45 = 1/Z45;
Y6 = 1/Z6;
Ym = [Y15+Y12 -Y12 0 0 -Y15 0;
-Y12 Y12 0 0 0 0;
0 0 Y35 0 -Y35 0;
0 0 0 Y45 -Y45 0;
-Y15 0 -Y35 -Y45 Y15+Y35+Y45+Y6 -Y6;
0 0 0 0 -Y6 Y6;
Gm = real(Ym);
Bm = imag(Ym)*j;
PL1 = 24e3;
QL1 = 18e3;
PL2 = 41e3;
QL2 = 28e3;
PL3 = 50e3;
QL3 = 34e3;
PL4 = 44e3;
G15 = -Gm(1,5);
G12 = -Gm(1,2);
G21 = G12;
G35 = -Gm(3,5);
G45 = -Gm(4,5);
G51 = G15;
G53 = G35;
G56 = -Gm(5,6);
G65 = G56;
B15 = -Bm(1,5);
B12 = -Bm(1,2);
B21 = B12;
B35 = -Bm(3,5);
B45 = -Bm(4,5);
B51 = B15;
B53 = B35;
B56 = -Bm(5,6);
B65 = B56;
cos15 = cos(0-Zangle(Z15));
sin15 = sin(0-Zangle(Z15));
cos12 = cos(0-Zangle(Z12));
sin12 = sin(0-Zangle(Z12));
cos35 = cos(Pangle(50e3,34e3)-Zangle(Z35));
sin35 = sin(Pangle(50e3,34e3)-Zangle(Z35));
cos45 = cos(Pangle(44e3,0)-Zangle(Z45));
sin45 = sin(Pangle(44e3,0)-Zangle(Z45));
cos51 = cos(Zangle(Z15));
sin51 = sin(Zangle(Z15));
cos53 = -cos35;
sin53 = -sin35;
cos54 = -cos45;
sin54 = -sin45;
cos65 = cos(0-Zangle(Z6));
sin65 = sin(0-Zangle(Z6));
cos56 = -cos65;
sin56 = -sin65;
V1 = 600;
V2 = 600;
V3 = 600;
V4 = 230;
V5 = 230;
V6 = 230;
eq1 = V1*(V5* (G15*cos15+w*B15*sin15) +V2* (G15*cos12+w*B15*sin12) )+PL1;
eq2 = V2*(V1* (G21*cos12+w*B21*sin12)) +PL2;
eq3 = V3*(V5* (G35*cos12+w*B35*sin35)) +PL3;
eq4 = V5*(V1* (G15*cos51+w*B15*sin51) + V3* (G35*cos53+w*B35*sin53)+V4* (G45*sin54+w*B45*cos54) +V6* (G56*sin56+w*B56*cos56));
eq5 = V6*(V5* (G65*cos65+w*B65*sin65));
% -x(2)+eq2;
% -x(3)+eq3;
% -x(5)+eq4;
% -x(4)+eq5;
ceq=[-x(1)+V1*(V5* (G15*cos15+w*B15*sin15) +V2* (G15*cos12+w*B15*sin12) )+PL1;
-x(2)+V2*(V1* (G21*cos12+w*B21*sin12)) +PL2;
-x(3)+V3*(V5* (G35*cos12+w*B35*sin35)) +PL3;
-x(5)+V5*(V1* (G15*cos51+w*B15*sin51) + V3* (G35*cos53+w*B35*sin53)+V4* (G45*sin54+w*B45*cos54) +V6* (G56*sin56+w*B56*cos56));
-x(4)+V6*(V5* (G65*cos65+w*B65*sin65));


Matt J
Matt J 2024-3-31
移动:Matt J 2024-3-31
However, as i searched, it seems appear for error in matrix calculation. there really isnt matrix calcualtion in my codes
Certainly you do. When you create the matrix Ym, that is a matrix operation. So is the creation of ceq. In any case, you don't seem to be using Matlab's debugging tools to trap the error, so you should do that.
  2 个评论
Matt J
Matt J 2024-3-31
It appears that you want to have
ceq=[-x(1)+V1*(V5* (G15*cos15+w*B15*sin15)+V2*(G15*cos12+w*B15*sin12) )+PL1;
-x(5)+V5*(V1*(G15*cos51+w*B15*sin51)+V3*(G35*cos53+w*B35*sin53)+V4*(G45*sin54+w*B45*cos54)+V6* (G56*sin56+w*B56*cos56));
however, this leads to complex-valued output, so you still have a problem,
>> [c,ceq]=nonlcon(x0)
c =
ceq =
1.0e+08 *
6.5993 + 4.8771i
2.6097 + 0.0000i
0.0006 + 0.0228i
-2.3747 - 4.8993i
0.0000 + 3.3332i


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