Debugging GPU Coder Functions

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Bakir Al-Ameri
Bakir Al-Ameri 2024-4-12
I have a few matlab functions that I am converting to run on GPU using matlab's GPU Coder app. The functions convert fine but when I convert one of my functions in the check for issues stage I notice that the function produces NaN values and results in the results not being correct. I am assuming when the code is converted to GPU it is misinterpriting something and dividing by zero esecially since I am dealing with imaginary numbers. I want to add breakpoints to see where this happens but it seems that you cannot do that once the function is converted to .mexw64. How can I debug this function and pinpoint the location of the error?
  1 个评论
Justin Hontz
Justin Hontz 2024-4-12
Do you encounter incorrect results when generating plain C/C++ code, or just GPU code? Can you reproduce the issue for any simple example, or only for this particular appliation?
Resources for debugging generated MEX code can be found below:


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