Hai to all, i have rainfall systems data for one month(screenshot attached below), with that file how to represent spatial plot per particular latitude and longitude regions

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Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2024-4-17
Do you happen to have an example of the spatial plot? Displaying the sample and attaching the rain data would be beneficial as it would allow interested users to provide potential solutions based on the provided information.


回答(1 个)

TED MOSBY 2024-9-1
To create a spatial plot of rainfall data for specific latitude and longitude regions in MATLAB, you can use the scatter or geoscatter functions. As you haven’t provided with with the data file and other specific details for your plot I will be assuming the column names which you can adjust accordingly and give a generalised approach:
Assuming your data is in a matrix rainfallData of size 1072x5, where:
  • Column 1: Latitude
  • Column 2: Longitude
  • Column 3: Rainfall
  • Columns 4 and 5: add these according to your requirements
Option 1: Simple 2D Scatter Plot
If you want a straightforward scatter plot without geographic projection:
% Load the data
% Replace this with your actual data loading method
% Example: rainfallData = load('your_data_file.mat');
% Mock data setup
latitude = linspace(-90, 90, 1072);
longitude = linspace(-180, 180, 1072);
rainfall = rand(1072, 1) * 100; % Random rainfall data
rainfallData = [latitude', longitude', rainfall];
% Define broad latitude and longitude ranges initially
latRange = [min(latitude), max(latitude)]; % Adjust as needed
lonRange = [min(longitude), max(longitude)]; % Adjust as needed
% Filter data for the specified region
regionMask = (rainfallData(:, 1) >= latRange(1) & rainfallData(:, 1) <= latRange(2)) & ...
(rainfallData(:, 2) >= lonRange(1) & rainfallData(:, 2) <= lonRange(2));
regionData = rainfallData(regionMask, :);
% Check if there is data in the specified region
if isempty(regionData)
disp('No data available in the specified region.');
% Create the spatial plot
scatter(regionData(:, 2), regionData(:, 1), 50, regionData(:, 3), 'filled');
title('Rainfall Distribution');
axis([lonRange latRange]);
grid on;
% Add a color bar to indicate the scale of rainfall
caxis([min(rainfallData(:, 3)), max(rainfallData(:, 3))]); % Adjust color scale
colormap(jet); % Choose a colormap
% Optional: Enhance plot with additional features
set(gca, 'FontSize', 12);
Option 2: Geospatial Plot with geoscatter
For a more geospatially accurate representation, use geoscatter:
%................replace with the same option 1 code………………
% Check if there is data in the specified region
if isempty(regionData)
disp('No data available in the specified region.');
% Create the geospatial plot
geoscatter(regionData(:, 1), regionData(:, 2), 50, regionData(:, 3), 'filled');
geobasemap('streets'); % Set the map background
title('Rainfall Distribution');
caxis([min(rainfallData(:, 3)), max(rainfallData(:, 3))]); % Adjust color scale
colormap(jet); % Choose a colormap
Try these out, hope this is what you were looking for!
For more information on "scatter" and "geoscatter" refer the below documentation:


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