Error using lassoglm>glmProcessData

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
The error said:
[After stripping NaNs and Infs, either 'X' has too few rows or 'Weights' has too few positive values.
Error in lassoglm (line 328)
glmProcessData(x, y, distr, 'off', offset, pwts); ]
The error code in lassoglm:
[X, Y, offset, pwts, dataClass, nTrials, binomialTwoColumn] = ...
glmProcessData(x, y, distr, 'off', offset, pwts);
I checked that size of input x is normal size. Even all weights equal to 0, I eed these output.
How to sovle this problem?

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-4-22
If you are passing in Weights, at least one weight must be positive.
Otherwise: you need at least one row of X to contain finite values. You probably have missing data in X (or possibly X is empty)




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