Hi Jeremy,
In the this documentation link for imaq.VideoDevice : https://www.mathworks.com/help/imaq/imaq.videodevice.html#btb2zi3
ReturnedColorSpace property specify the color space of the returned image. The default value of the property depends on the device and the video format selected. Possible values are {rgb|grayscale|YCbCr} when the default returned color space for the device is not grayscale. Possible values are {rgb|grayscale|YCbCr|bayer} when the default returned color space for the device is grayscale.
As a workaround you might consider fetching the data in the closest format available ('uint16' as you mentioned) and then manually adjusting the data to suit your requirements. Unfortunately, without a direct option to fetch data as a 1D vector or in a raw Bayer format, this workaround involves additional steps:
- Fetch the Frame in the Closest Available Format: Fetch the frame in 'uint16' format and the closest available color space, likely 'grayscale' if you want to avoid unnecessary color space conversion computations.
- Reshape and Transpose: Since MATLAB uses column-major order but the image sensor pixels are in row-major order, after fetching the frame, you may need to reshape and transpose the data to correctly represent the sensor's pixel layout.
- Manual Demosaicing: After reshaping, you can then apply a demosaicing algorithm based on the 'gbrg' Bayer pattern.
Here is a template code piece you can see for reference:
% Assuming DeviceID is defined and corresponds to your frame grabber
DeviceID = 1; % Example device ID
v = imaq.VideoDevice("winvideo", DeviceID, 'ReturnedDataType', 'uint16', 'ReturnedColorSpace', 'grayscale');
% Set ROI if necessary (assuming Height and Width are known)
% v.ROI = [1, 1, Width, Height];
% Acquire a frame
frame = step(v);
% Since step(v) might reshape the data, you need to manually adjust it
% If step(v) does not reshape as expected, adjust the following line accordingly
reshapedFrame = reshape(frame, [Width, Height]).';
% At this point, reshapedFrame should be in the correct orientation
% but still in grayscale (or rather, single-channel Bayer data)
% Apply demosaicing Since MATLAB does not have a built-in function for 'gbrg', you might need to implement
% your own demosaicing algorithm or find a third-party implementation.
I hope it helps!