Streaming Hololens 2 camera signal to Matlab/Simulink

16 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello Matlab Community,
As a student, I have the following issue. I want to stream a HoloLens 2 video to Simulink.
Does anyone have experience with it? I am not familiar with network protocols, and I hope there is a kind of easy way to set up the communication. My Simulink project detects a face from the "Multimedia file to read" block and goes further with signal processing based on photoplethysmography. The algorithm calculates the heart rate, and in the end, I want to show it on the HoloLens display.
So I think I can do it two ways. The first is to connect HoloLens 2 with Matlab directly; option two is going with Unity3D as a bridge.
Can you please give me a few approaches or tips?
Looking forward to hear from ur skills and experience


Suman 2024-6-18

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