Matrix must be square error and Error in PartA. how do I solve it?

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clc; % Clear command window
clear; % Clear workspace
syms w; % Define w as a symbolic variable
% Define masses, damping coefficients, and stiffness coefficients
m1 = 1.8; m2 = 6.3; m3 = 5.4; m4 = 22.5; m5 = 54;
c2 = 10000; c3 = 500; c4 = 1500; c5 = 1100;
k2 = 1*10^8; k3 = 50*10^3; k4 = 75*10^3; k5 = 10*10^3;
B = [k2+c2, -k2-c2+(m2*w^2), 0, 0, 0;
-k2-c2, k2+c2+k3+c3, -k3-c3, 0, 0];
detB = det(B);
Error using sym/det (line 24)
Matrix must be square.
Error in PartA (line 23)
detB = det(B);


Avni Agrawal
Avni Agrawal 2024-5-10
I understand that you are trying to find the determinant of matrix B. But, The determinant is a scalar value that can be computed from the elements of a square matrix and encodes certain properties of the matrix. For a non-square matrix, since the number of rows and columns is different, the concept of a determinant does not apply.
Please take a look at this documentation for better understanding:
I hope this helps.

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