Using a given array as an initial guess for bvp4c using bvpinit

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I tried using the solution, G, to the "free" version of a given ODE (given in code with a=0) to initialize the bvp4c solver. Given a mesh xint and a function guess(x) (made by interp1, G and xint), I used the following:
solinit = bvpinit(xint, @guess);
The details are in the attached code (forgot to include: xl=-50, xr=2). The free case works with @guess replaced with [0 0].
I keep getting the error: "Index exceeds matrix dimensions" when the solver attempts the ode solution. I have tried a lot to get this to work, but things keep failing. Any clues on how I am probbaly screwing up "solinit"?
function [Sxint, x] =bvp4c_mathworks_half_VAV_2(xl,xr, N, theta, r0, Guess)
global tt
global r
global G
global xx
xint = linspace(xl,xr,N); %BC at [-inf, inf] replaced with [xl, xr]
xx = xint;
tt = theta; %parameters: winding number and vortex radius, say pi/6, 16
r = r0;
G = zeros(1,length(Guess)); %What I want to initialize with
solinit = bvpinit(xint, @guess);
sol = bvp4c(@myode,@mybc,solinit);
Sxint = deval(sol,xint);
function dy = myode(t,y)
a = 0*10^(-5); %a reduced coupling to pdw times uniform gap here
dy(1,1) = y(2);
dy(2,1) = 1/2*(1-exp(2*t)*cos(2*y(1)))*sin(2*y(1))+a*a*exp(2*t)*cos(f(t))*cos(2*y(1));
function phase_diff = f(t)
global tt;
global r;
dd = 80;
phase_diff = pi*tanh(r*exp(t)/dd)-tt;
function res = mybc(ya,yb)
res = [ya(1)
function [y1, y2] = guess(x)
global G;
global xx;
ee = 10^(-10);
y1 = interp1(xx,G,x).';
y2 = (interp1(xx,G,x+ee).'-y1)/ee;
%y2 = gradient(G).';
  3 个评论
Marcus Rosales
Marcus Rosales 2024-5-15
I originally used the gradient here. Will this also give me some issues? I figured the end point might run into some issues since there is nothing to interpolate with (should be zero though).
Torsten 2024-5-15
If you can supply G, don't you have access to dG/dx ?
But the bad approximation for dG/dx is not the reason for the error message. As said: If xx and G have the same length, your code should work.


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