Describe the solution trajectory of differential systems with mixed time-varying delay

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi everyone, please help me write the matlab code to describe the solution trajectory for the class differential systems with mixed time-varying delay as follows
Thank you very much!
  2 个评论
Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2024-5-26

Hi, it doesn't look like typical questions for typical Bachelor's degree students in the Differential Equations course. Equation 30 probably comes from a Journal Article or a Reference book.

If you believe this is a time dependent delay differential system, then try using the ddesd function finds the solution. Copy and modify the code from the example. Paste the code here and run it.



Torsten 2024-5-26
编辑:Torsten 2024-5-26
To write your equations as a system of delay differential equations that can be handled by a MATLAB solver, set
x3 = integral_{t-2-cos(2*t)}^{t} x1(s) ds
x4 = integral_{t-2-cos(2*t)}^{t} x2(s) ds
and differentiate x3 and x4 with respect to t using the Leibniz Integral Rule:
After this, you can use MATLAB's "ddesd" to solve for x1-x4:
  2 个评论
Le 2024-5-26
Thank you very much! Can you sent me a example of matlab code for type above differential system ?
Torsten 2024-5-26
No, sorry, the hints I gave should suffice to set up the example without problems. If the code doesn't work, you can come back.
By the way: I set up the example from above and it works without changing any solver options.


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