How to substitute a variable into a syms function?

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I would like to substitute terms "Lp * Cps * ws^2" as "Kp" in the following B0. How could that be done?
syms Vpo Von Dp Dn ws Lp Cps Ll Lm Vsecm Isec_real Isec_imag Isec_abs Thetasec Ix_real Ix_imag Ix_abs Kp Kl Km real
Kp = Lp * Cps * ws^2;
B0 = Cps^2*Ix_abs*Lp^3*ws^9*(- Lm*ws*Isec_abs^2 + Isec_imag*Vsecm*cos(Thetasec) + Isec_real*Vsecm*sin(Thetasec));


Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2024-5-28
Define the variable as a symbolic variable and then substitute -
syms Vpo Von Dp Dn ws Lp Cps Ll Lm Vsecm Isec_real Isec_imag Isec_abs Thetasec Ix_real Ix_imag Ix_abs Kp Kl Km real
%Kp = Lp * Cps * ws^2;
B0 = Cps^2*Ix_abs*Lp^3*ws^9*(- Lm*ws*Isec_abs^2 + Isec_imag*Vsecm*cos(Thetasec) + Isec_real*Vsecm*sin(Thetasec))
B0 = 
syms Kp
B0 = subs(B0, Lp * Cps * ws^2, Kp)
B0 = 

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