Savitsky-Golay Filter Problem - Smoothing 3D line

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I wanted to smooth a 3d line using the Savitzky-Golay filter, but for this example is seems to not work properly. Any ideas why, and how to fix it?
% Savitzky–Golay filter (sgolayfilt) - smoothing individual axes
windowWidth = 27; %Standard example values
polynomialOrder = 3;
xsg=sgolayfilt(points(:,1),polynomialOrder, windowWidth);
ysg=sgolayfilt(points(:,2),polynomialOrder, windowWidth);
zsg=sgolayfilt(points(:,3),polynomialOrder, windowWidth);
xyzsg = [xsg,ysg,zsg];
hold on
hold off
Green crosses show the smoothed version - blue circles is the original data


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-4-22
How many elements are in your array? 27 looks like an incredibly wide window for your data. I would have used a width of 5 to 9 elements. Try that and see how it works out.
  12 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-4-23
That did not happen with the data I used. Is that a new/different set of data?


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