how to format rows columns for display

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have 5 columns and 800 rows and the last row contains percentage ranging from (90.20 to 99.98),first i want to round off that percentage ans have to display it withs all its column and ten i want to select two percentage which is highest and want to dispaly with all its 5 columns
The input is
1 2 1 0 93.06
1 3 1 0 97.06
2 1 0 0 99.09
800 0 1 0 98.36
i need the output as
2 1 0 0 99.09
800 0 1 0 98.36
assuming for example 98 and 99 are highest
ten i have to calculate CV error for the third column,have to use in built function,please help


Sven 2011-11-16
Make data:
D = [(1:800)' randi(4,800,1) rand(800,1)+99];
Display all data rounded:
Display the top two percentages:
[~,sortOrder] = sort(D(:,5),'descend');
If you want it to come out exactly like your question text (ie, without decimal places for the first 4 columns):
fprintf('%5d %d %d %d %0.2f\n',D(sortOrder(1:2),:)')
I don't know what "CV error for 3rd column" means - I think that it's a completely separate question.
  2 个评论
FIR 2011-11-17
Thanks Sven ,CV means cross validation I have to find cross validation for the third column,
Next is ,i have 100 gene ,cluster the 100
data into 20 groups using the K-means method
si i will lhave in first column the cluster number(1 to100)
2nd column-total no of genes(ex 3)
genes included (9,7,8)
can u help please
Sven 2011-11-17
No problems, FIR.
Once again, hit accept on this question and try and if you have a specific problem you encounter, clarify exactly what it is in a new question. I'm afraid that I've got no background at all if the question involves genetics but I'm sure someone here can help.


更多回答(1 个)

DSP Masters
DSP Masters 2011-11-17
use 'reshape' function in matlab


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