Hi Daniel,
To achieve the desired functionality of setting the slider value to zero when it is ctrl + clicked, you can utilize MATLAB's built-in event handling capabilities. Unfortunately, MATLAB does not directly provide a way to detect the ctrl key press within the slider_changed event, so you have to work around this limitation by combining the slider callback with a mouse click event listener to achieve the desired behavior. I will illustrate with MATLAB script example that will demonstrate how to implement this functionality:
function sliderCtrlClickExample
% Create a figure and a slider
fig = figure;
sld = uislider(fig,'Position',[100,100,120,3],'ValueChangedFcn',@sliderCallback);
% Add a mouse click event listener to the figure
set(fig, 'WindowButtonDownFcn', @mouseClickCallback);
function sliderCallback(src, ~) disp(['Slider value changed: ' num2str(src.Value)]); end
function mouseClickCallback(~, event) if isequal(event.Modifier, {'control'}) disp('Ctrl + Click detected'); sld.Value = 0; % Set slider value to zero end end end
So, I created a figure and a slider using the uislider function.Then, set the ValueChangedFcn property of the slider to a callback function sliderCallback that will be triggered when the slider value changes.Afterwards, add a mouse click event listener to the figure using the WindowButtonDownFcn property. So, the callback function mouseClickCallback checks if the ctrl key is pressed during a mouse click event. If the ctrl key is pressed, it sets the slider value to zero.
So, now you can understand that by combining the slider callback with a mouse click event listener, you can effectively detect the ctrl key press and set the slider value to zero accordingly. Hope this will help you get started with your project.