Error while running NR Intercell Interference Model

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear All,
Thanks in advance. Do I need to include any package?
rng("default") % Reset the random number generator
numFrameSimulation = 20; % Simulation time in terms of number of 10 ms frames
networkSimulator = wirelessNetworkSimulator.init;
gNBPositions = [1700 600 30; 3000 600 30; 2500 2000 30];
gNBOfInterestIdx = 3; % Specify an integer value in the range [1, number of gNBs]
gNBNames = "gNB-" + (1:size(gNBPositions,1));
gNBs = nrGNB(Name=gNBNames,Position=gNBPositions,CarrierFrequency=2.5e9, ...
for gNBIdx = 1:length(gNBs)
% Resource allocation type value 0 indicates a noncontiguous allocation of
% frequency-domain resources in terms of RBGs
numCells = length(gNBs);
cellRadius = 500; % Radius of each cell (in meters)
numUEsPerCell = 4;
uePositions = generateUEPositions(cellRadius,gNBPositions,numUEsPerCell);
UEs = cell(numCells,1);
for cellIdx = 1:numCells
ueNames = "UE-" + (1:size(uePositions{cellIdx},1));
UEs{cellIdx} = nrUE(Name=ueNames,Position=uePositions{cellIdx},ReceiveGain=11);
for cellIdx = 1:numCells
channelModel = "3GPP TR 38.901";
if strcmp(channelModel,"3GPP TR 38.901")
% Define scenario boundaries
pos = [reshape([gNBs.Position],3,[])];
minX = min(pos(1,:)); % x-coordinate of the left edge of the scenario in meters
minY = min(pos(2,:)); % y-coordinate of the bottom edge of the scenario in meters
width = max(pos(1,:)) - minX; % Width (right edge of the 2D scenario) in meters, given as maxX - minX
height = max(pos(2,:)) - minY; % Height (top edge of the 2D scenario) in meters, given as maxY - minY
% Create the channel model
channel = h38901Channel(Scenario="UMa",ScenarioExtents=[minX minY width height]);
% Add the channel model to the simulator
cellToAnalyze = gNBs(gNBOfInterestIdx).ID;
enableTraces = true;
linkDir = 0; % Indicates DL
if enableTraces
simSchedulingLogger = cell(numCells,1);
simPhyLogger = cell(numCells,1);
for cellIdx = 1:numCells
% Create an object for MAC DL scheduling traces logging
simSchedulingLogger{cellIdx} = helperNRSchedulingLogger(numFrameSimulation, ...
% Create an object for PHY layer traces logging
simPhyLogger{cellIdx} = helperNRPhyLogger(numFrameSimulation,gNBs(cellToAnalyze), ...
numMetricPlotUpdates = numFrameSimulation;
showSchedulerMetrics = true;
showPhyMetrics = true;
metricsVisualizer = helperNRMetricsVisualizer(gNBs(cellToAnalyze),UEs{cellToAnalyze}, ...
CellOfInterest=cellToAnalyze,NumMetricsSteps=numMetricPlotUpdates, ...
simulationLogFile = "simulationLogs"; % For logging the simulation traces
enableMobility = false;
if enableMobility
ueSpeedRange = [1 1000]; % In meters per second
ueWithMobility = UEs{cellToAnalyze}(2); % Get UE-2 in the cell of interest
% Add random waypoint mobility to the selected UE
addMobility(ueWithMobility,SpeedRange=ueSpeedRange,BoundaryShape="circle",Bounds=[gNBs(cellToAnalyze).Position(1:2) cellRadius])
networkVisualizer = helperNetworkVisualizer(SampleRate=100); % Sample rate indicates the visualization refresh rate in Hertz
% Show the cell boundary of each gNB
% Calculate the simulation duration (in seconds)
simulationTime = numFrameSimulation*1e-2;
% Run the simulation
>> test001
Error using nrGNB/getMCSTable (line 1331)
Invalid default value for property 'MCSTable' in class 'nrGNB':
Unable to resolve the name 'nr5g.internal.MACConstants.MCSTable'.
Error in test001 (line 8)
gNBs = nrGNB(Name=gNBNames,Position=gNBPositions,CarrierFrequency=2.5e9, ...

回答(1 个)

Bhanu Prakash
Bhanu Prakash 2024-7-13
Hi Shouvik,
I see that you are trying to run the example 'NR Intercell Interference Modeling' but are facing an issue with the 'nrGNB' function.
To run the example, you need to have the following toolboxes and add-ons installed in your MATLAB:
  1. Communication Toolbox
  2. DSP System Toolbox
  3. Signal Processing Toolbox
  4. 5G Toolbox
  5. Communications Toolbox Wireless Network Simulation Library.
Also, make sure that you are using MATLAB R2023a or a later release, as 'nrGNB' is supported from the R2023a release onwards.
I also observe that you are not using the entire code present in the example, which might lead to errors with undefined variables or functions. Please make sure that you run the entire code present in the example.
Alternatively, to open the example as a live script, you can run the following command in the MATLAB command window:
For more information on the above mentioned topics, you can refer to the following documentation links:
Hope this helps!
  1 个评论
Shouvik 2024-8-2
Dear Bhanu,
Thanks for the quick response. I too realised that 5G toolbox is not part of the trial software.



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