I want to read an open channel from LightStreamer, in particular the LightStreamer service from IG. LS operates in two modes: streaming and polling (streaming being preferred). I have quite successfully written a lot of code to handle a polling connection (setting LS_polling=true on /lightstreamer/create_session.txt ; false is the default) but handling a stream connection would be much more efficient and simplify the process quite considerably.
I've been using Jim Hokanson's excellent URLREAD2 function for polling but this appears to hang if I try it in a streaming mode, on line 263 of the following, if that's helpful to anyone. 260 byteArrayOutputStream = java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
262 isc = InterruptibleStreamCopier.getInterruptibleStreamCopier;
263 isc.copyStream(inputStream,byteArrayOutputStream);
264 inputStream.close;
265 byteArrayOutputStream.close;
I'm wondering if some modification to URLREAD2 might be possible that would open the connection and allow the setting of callbacks to handle incoming messages?