How to make bar plot with group mean and add scatter plot on top to demonstrate samples within group?

17 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to make something like this


Star Strider
Star Strider 2024-7-22
编辑:Star Strider 2024-7-22
Apparently the group means are the heights of the bars.
Try this —
MC1 = randn(50,2)*10 + [80 81]; % Motion Class 1 Data
MC2 = randn(50,2)*10 + [78 82]; % Motion Class 2 Data
GM1 = mean(MC1);
GM2 = mean(MC2);
hb = bar([GM1;GM2]);
hb(1).BarWidth = 1;
yline(33, '--k')
Ax = gca;
Ax.XTickLabel = [];
Ax.YTick = [0 33 50 100];
hold on
hb(1).DisplayName = 'Motion Class 1';
fa1 = 0.25;
hb(1).FaceAlpha = fa1;
xd1 = hb(1).XEndPoints;
fc1 = hb(1).FaceColor;
hs1 = scatter(xd1, MC1, 25, fc1, 'filled', 'DisplayName','Class 1 Data');
for k = 1:numel(hs1)
hs1(k).MarkerFaceAlpha = fa1;
hb(2).DisplayName = 'Motion Class 2';
fa2 = 0.25;
hb(2).FaceAlpha = fa1;
xd2 = hb(2).XEndPoints;
fc2 = hb(2).FaceColor;
hs2 = scatter(xd2, MC2, 25, fc2, 'filled', 'DisplayName','Class 2 Data');
for k = 1:numel(hs2)
hs2(k).MarkerFaceAlpha = fa2;
hold off
legend([hb hs1(1) hs2(1)], 'Location','north')
Position the legend wherever you want it. It may be necessary tto set xlim to be wider on thte right to fit it in the 'east' location.
EDIT — Corrected typographical errors.

更多回答(1 个)

Muskan 2024-7-22
As per my understanding, to create a bar plot with group means and overlay a scatter plot to show individual samples within each group in MATLAB, you can follow these steps:
  1. Calculate Group Means: Compute the mean for each group.
  2. Create the Bar Plot: Plot the group means using the "bar" function.
  3. Overlay the Scatter Plot: Use the "scatter" function to plot individual samples on top of the bar plot.
Here is an example code on how you can achieve the same:
% Sample data
group1 = randn(10, 1) + 5;
group2 = randn(10, 1) + 7;
group3 = randn(10, 1) + 6;
% Combine data into a cell array
data = {group1, group2, group3};
% Calculate group means
means = cellfun(@mean, data);
% Create the bar plot
hold on;
bar(means, 'FaceColor', [0.7 0.7 0.7], 'EdgeColor', 'k');
% Overlay scatter plot of individual samples
for i = 1:length(data)
scatter(repmat(i, length(data{i}), 1), data{i}, 'filled', 'jitter', 'on', 'jitterAmount', 0.15);
% Customize plot
title('Bar Plot with Group Means and Individual Samples');
set(gca, 'XTick', 1:length(data), 'XTickLabel', {'Group 1', 'Group 2', 'Group 3'});
hold off;


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