How to resolve the 'waic' error issue?

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Paras 2024-7-23
评论: Paras 2024-7-23
I am trying to run a simulation code that contain 'nested for loops'. I'm try to run the code on "Matlab online" platform as well as the desktop version is busy and the same code is working fine there. But in the 'Online Matlab' I am gatting a error quotes as 'Unrecignized function or variable 'waic'.' and later reffering to the ode solver. Can anyone please help me out what can be the proable error and how to fix that ?
All the related files are in a single directory as well. Still not working. Please help.......Thanks.

回答(1 个)

Dheeraj 2024-7-23
Hi Paras,
I understand you are facing errors when you run code on MATLAB online which worked fine on MATLAB desktop.
The error "Unrecognized function or variable 'waic'" suggests that MATLAB Online is unable to locate the function or variable "waic" that your code depends on.
Please ensure that the directory containing the variable or variable "waic" is added to the MATLAB path in MATLAB Online. You can add the directory to the path using the "addpath" function as shown below.
addpath('path to your directory');
Thank you.
  1 个评论
Paras 2024-7-23
Hi Dear Dheeraj. I tried to add the path. I am unable to fix this. Once have a look and tell me the right way to deal with this. Thanks a lot for helping out :)



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