2D or 3D from CST to matlab

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i work withh pattern function in matlab but i can get the result and only get err i dont know i can use it or not?
i get text from cst like it for 2D
Theta [deg.] Phi [deg.] Abs(Grlz)[dBi ] Abs(Theta)[dBi ] Phase(Theta)[deg.] Abs(Phi )[dBi ] Phase(Phi )[deg.] Ax.Ratio[dB ]
-180.000 90.000 -9.255e+00 -1.298e+01 149.214 -1.165e+01 26.420 5.450e+00
-179.900 90.000 -9.239e+00 -1.295e+01 148.947 -1.165e+01 26.368 5.407e+00
-179.800 90.000 -9.224e+00 -1.292e+01 148.681 -1.164e+01 26.315 5.364e+00
-179.700 90.000 -9.208e+00 -1.289e+01 148.418 -1.163e+01 26.263 5.321e+00
179.600 90.000 -9.319e+00 -1.309e+01 150.304 -1.168e+01 26.638 5.627e+00
179.700 90.000 -9.303e+00 -1.306e+01 150.029 -1.168e+01 26.584 5.582e+00
179.800 90.000 -9.287e+00 -1.303e+01 149.755 -1.167e+01 26.530 5.537e+00
179.900 90.000 -9.271e+00 -1.300e+01 149.484 -1.166e+01 26.477 5.493e+00
in above table i only use first three column which means i like to have pattern in constant phi with various theta
in cst i get this pattern and i want get it in matlab
or about 3d
Theta [deg.] Phi [deg.] Abs(Grlz)[dBi ] Abs(Theta)[dBi ] Phase(Theta)[deg.] Abs(Phi )[dBi ] Phase(Phi )[deg.] Ax.Ratio[dB ]
-180.000 -90.000 -9.255e+00 -1.298e+01 329.214 -1.165e+01 206.420 5.450e+00
-175.000 -90.000 -1.014e+01 -1.456e+01 345.709 -1.209e+01 209.583 8.372e+00
-170.000 -90.000 -1.106e+01 -1.607e+01 10.515 -1.271e+01 214.066 1.431e+01
170.000 -85.000 -8.273e+00 -1.118e+01 315.069 -1.139e+01 209.010 2.476e+00
175.000 -85.000 -8.594e+00 -1.155e+01 323.022 -1.166e+01 209.504 3.672e+00
-180.000 -80.000 -9.255e+00 -1.209e+01 338.042 -1.245e+01 214.316 5.450e+00
-175.000 -80.000 -1.012e+01 -1.327e+01 353.629 -1.299e+01 213.416 8.835e+00
-170.000 -80.000 -1.082e+01 -1.409e+01 16.458 -1.358e+01 212.867 1.684e+01
160.000 90.000 -1.153e+01 -1.477e+01 248.847 -1.431e+01 48.753 1.504e+01
165.000 90.000 -1.162e+01 -1.622e+01 221.795 -1.347e+01 40.323 3.825e+01
170.000 90.000 -1.106e+01 -1.607e+01 190.515 -1.271e+01 34.066 1.431e+01
175.000 90.000 -1.014e+01 -1.456e+01 165.709 -1.209e+01 29.583 8.372e+00
is it posssible to get them from matlab with patten func or other way
  3 个评论
Harald 2024-7-31
When running this suggested code, I get the error message
Error using pattern
Too many input arguments.
Umar 2024-7-31
Hi @Harald,
To resolve this error, I will make ensure that you are passing the correct number of arguments to the pattern function. Thanks for your contribution and helping out.



Harald 2024-7-29
for 2D, I would recommend using polarplot:
polarplot(data(:,1), data(:,3))
If you want to separate by Phi, you can use logical indexing to extract the desired data, e.g.
selected = data(:,2) == 90;
polarplot(data(selected,1), data(selected,3))
and then use a loop.
For 3D, I am not aware of an out-of-the-box function. There have been questions around this with different answers, e.g.
Also, you may find File Exchange submissions like these to be helpful:
Best wishes,
  1 个评论
koorosh dastan
koorosh dastan 2024-8-5
thx for your helps
this code get me similar chape like cst
some line like transpose dont need
data = load("a1.txt");
normalized_angles_deg = gg;
angles_rad = normalized_angles_deg * pi / 180;
polarplot(angles_rad,hh )
ax = gca;
ax.RLim = [-15, 10]; % Set radius limits to suitable dB range
ax.RTick = -15:5:5; % Set appropriate dB ticks
ax.ThetaTick = 0:30:315; % Set theta ticks
ax.ThetaZeroLocation = 'top'; % Set 0 degrees to the top (default is 'right')
grid on;


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