How to fit kinetic model to estimate kinetic parameter from experimental data

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I am getting errors in the output. Please help be solve the problem. I have attached the Excel file of the experimental data.
Thank you.
%Fermentation data
Xdata = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','e2:e13');
Gdata = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','b2:b13');
Bdata = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','c2:c13');
Edata = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','d2:d13');
% Group all data into yariable y
yinv =[Xdata'; Gdata'; Bdata'; Edata'];
%Data for time
timeex = readmatrix('batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','a2:a13');
%Set ODE solver
% Initial cell biomass concentration (Initial condition)
y0=[1.04 0.78 0.00 0.00];
%Fermentation time
tspan = linspace(0,72);
%Set optimization problem
%Let b = matrix of paramters to be determined
% b= [um ks k1 K1G K1B k2 K2G YXG m k3]
b = optimvar('b',10,"LowerBound",0,"UpperBound",72);
%Set functions for ODE solver for solving ODE
function solferment = toODE(b,tspan,y0)
sol = ode45(@(t,y)batchferment(t,y,b),tspan,y0);
solferment = deval(sol,tspan);
%Convert function for ODE solving to optimization expression
%To use RtoODE in an objective function, convert the function to an
%optimization expression by using fcn2optimexpr.
myfcn = fcn2optimexpr(@toODE,b,timeex,y0);
%Express the objective function as the sum of squared differences between
%the ODE solution and the solution with true parameters.
SSE = sum(sum((myfcn-yinv).^2));
%Create an optimization problem with the objective function SSE.
prob = optimproblem ("Description","Fit ODE parameters",'ObjectiveSense','min');
%Objective function (to be minimized)
prob.Objective = SSE;
%Show structure of problem
%Solve Problem
%To find the best-fitting parameters x, give an initial guess
%x0 for the solver and call solve.
% Set initial guesses of parameters
initialGuess.b = [0.18 1.0 0.61 0.18 5.85 3.20 16.25 0.11 3.40 3.02];
%Solve optimization problem
[sol,optval] = solve(prob,initialGuess);
%Extract the results
%Fitted Parameters
bfinal =sol.b;
%Sum of square Error
SSEfinal = optval;
%Plot the simulated data and experimental data
%Call ODE to solve an equation using Final Fitted Parameters (bfinal)
solysim = ode45(@(t,y)batchferment(t,y,bfinal),tspan,y0);
%Evaluate the simulated results at specified tspan
ysim = deval(solysim,tspan);
%Plot graphs
xlabel('Time (h)')
ylabel('X (g/L)')
xlabel('Time (h)')
ylabel('G (g/L)')
xlabel('Time (h)')
ylabel('B (g/L)')
xlabel('Time (h)')
ylabel('E (g/L)')
%Equations for Batch
%y(1) = X = Biomass Concentration (g/l)
%y(2) = G = Glucose Concentration (g/l)
%y(3) = B = Cellobiose Concentration (g/L)
%y(4) = E = Ethanol Concentration (g/l)
function dydt = batchferment(t,y,b)
y(1) = X;
y(2) = G;
y(3) = B;
y(4) = E;
%%%Growth equations
%dx/dt = (um*X*G)/(KG+G)
u = (b(1)*y(1)*y(2))/(b(2)+y(2));
%u = (b(1)*X*G)/(b(2)+G);
b(1) = um (1/h);
b(2) = ks (g/L);
%%%Cellobiose equations
C = b(11)-(0.9*y(2))-(0.947*y(3))-(0.9*y(4)/0.511)-(1.137*(y(1)-1.04));
r1 = (b(3)*C)/(1+(y(2)/b(4))+(y(3)/b(5)));
r2 = (b(6)*y(3))/(1+(y(2)/b(7)));
b(3) = k1;
b(4) = K1G;
b(5) = K1B;
b(6) = k2;
b(7) = K2G;
%C = Cellulose concentration (g/l)
%C = C0-(0.9*G)-(0.947*B)-(0.9*E/0.511)-(1.137*(X-X0))
%r1 = (k1*C)/(1+(G/K1G)+(B/K1B))
%r2 = (k2*B)/(1+(G/K2G)
%C = C0-(0.9*G)-(0.947*B)-(0.9*E/0.511)-(1.137*(X-X0))
%C = 83.65-(0.9*y(2))-(0.947*y(3))-(0.9*y(4)/0.511)-(1.137*(y(1)-1.04))
%%% Glucose equations
rG = ((1/b(8))*(dx/dt))-(b(9)*y(1));
b(8) = YXG;
b(9) = m;
%rG = ((1/YXG)*(dX/dt))-(m*X)
%%% Ethanol Concentration
Et = k3*(u*X)*(1/YXG);
b(10) = k3;
%Material balance equations
dXdt = u*X;
dGdt = (r2/0.95)-rG;
dBdt = (r1/0.947)-r2;
dEdt = Et;
dydt = [dXdt;dGdt;dBdt;dEdt];
This is the output after running:
>> Batch1
Unrecognized function or variable 'X'.
Error in Batch1>batchferment (line 110)
y(1) = X;
Error in Batch1>@(t,y)batchferment(t,y,b) (line 30)
sol = ode45(@(t,y)batchferment(t,y,b),tspan,y0);
Error in odearguments (line 92)
f0 = ode(t0,y0,args{:}); % ODE15I sets args{1} to yp0.
Error in ode45 (line 104)
odearguments(odeIsFuncHandle,odeTreatAsMFile, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);
Error in Batch1>toODE (line 30)
sol = ode45(@(t,y)batchferment(t,y,b),tspan,y0);
Error in optim.problemdef.fcn2optimexpr
Error in optim.problemdef.fcn2optimexpr
Error in fcn2optimexpr
Error in Batch1 (line 38)
myfcn = fcn2optimexpr(@toODE,b,timeex,y0);
Caused by:
Function evaluation failed while attempting to determine output size. The function might contain an error, or might not be well-defined at
the automatically-chosen point. To specify output size without function evaluation, use 'OutputSize'.


Star Strider
Star Strider 2024-8-15
编辑:Star Strider 2024-8-15
I got this to run (there were a number of coding errors, most of which I corrected). However it takes too long to run here, so there could be some coding errors I have not yet caught, although the rest of the code looks to me to be correct. I will try running it on MATLAB Online and post any further corrections (ir any are needed) as EDIT notes.
Try this —
%Fermentation data
Xdata = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','e2:e13');
Gdata = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','b2:b13');
Bdata = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','c2:c13');
Edata = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','d2:d13');
% Group all data into yariable y
yinv =[Xdata'; Gdata'; Bdata'; Edata'];
%Data for time
timeex = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','a2:a13');
%Set ODE solver
% Initial cell biomass concentration (Initial condition)
y0=[1.04 0.78 0.00 0.00];
%Fermentation time
tspan = linspace(0,72);
%Set optimization problem
%Let b = matrix of paramters to be determined
% b= [um ks k1 K1G K1B k2 K2G YXG m k3]
b = optimvar('b',10,"LowerBound",0,"UpperBound",72);
%Set functions for ODE solver for solving ODE
function solferment = toODE(b,tspan,y0)
sol = ode45(@(t,y)batchferment(t,y,b),tspan,y0);
solferment = deval(sol,tspan);
%Convert function for ODE solving to optimization expression
%To use RtoODE in an objective function, convert the function to an
%optimization expression by using fcn2optimexpr.
myfcn = fcn2optimexpr(@toODE,b,timeex,y0);
%Express the objective function as the sum of squared differences between
%the ODE solution and the solution with true parameters.
SSE = sum(sum((myfcn-yinv).^2));
%Create an optimization problem with the objective function SSE.
prob = optimproblem ("Description","Fit ODE parameters",'ObjectiveSense','min');
%Objective function (to be minimized)
prob.Objective = SSE;
%Show structure of problem
%Solve Problem
%To find the best-fitting parameters x, give an initial guess
%x0 for the solver and call solve.
% Set initial guesses of parameters
initialGuess.b = [0.18 1.0 0.61 0.18 5.85 3.20 16.25 0.11 3.40 3.02];
%Solve optimization problem
[sol,optval] = solve(prob,initialGuess);
%Extract the results
%Fitted Parameters
bfinal =sol.b;
%Sum of square Error
SSEfinal = optval;
%Plot the simulated data and experimental data
%Call ODE to solve an equation using Final Fitted Parameters (bfinal)
solysim = ode45(@(t,y)batchferment(t,y,bfinal),tspan,y0);
%Evaluate the simulated results at specified tspan
ysim = deval(solysim,tspan);
%Plot graphs
xlabel('Time (h)')
ylabel('X (g/L)')
xlabel('Time (h)')
ylabel('G (g/L)')
xlabel('Time (h)')
ylabel('B (g/L)')
xlabel('Time (h)')
ylabel('E (g/L)')
%Equations for Batch
%y(1) = X = Biomass Concentration (g/l)
%y(2) = G = Glucose Concentration (g/l)
%y(3) = B = Cellobiose Concentration (g/L)
%y(4) = E = Ethanol Concentration (g/l)
function dydt = batchferment(t,y,b)
% y(1) = X;
% y(2) = G;
% y(3) = B;
% y(4) = E;
X = y(1);
G = y(2);
B = y(3);
E = y(4);
%%%Growth equations
%dx/dt = (um*X*G)/(KG+G)
u = (b(1)*y(1)*y(2))/(b(2)+y(2));
%u = (b(1)*X*G)/(b(2)+G);
% b(1) = um (1/h);
% b(2) = ks (g/L);
um = b(1);
ks = b(2);
%%%Cellobiose equations
C = b(1)-(0.9*y(2))-(0.947*y(3))-(0.9*y(4)/0.511)-(1.137*(y(1)-1.04));
r1 = (b(3)*C)/(1+(y(2)/b(4))+(y(3)/b(5)));
r2 = (b(6)*y(3))/(1+(y(2)/b(7)));
% b(3) = k1;
% b(4) = K1G;
% b(5) = K1B;
% b(6) = k2;
% b(7) = K2G;
k1 = b(3);
K1G = b(4);
K1B = b(5);
k2 = b(6);
k2G = b(7);
%C = Cellulose concentration (g/l)
%C = C0-(0.9*G)-(0.947*B)-(0.9*E/0.511)-(1.137*(X-X0))
%r1 = (k1*C)/(1+(G/K1G)+(B/K1B))
%r2 = (k2*B)/(1+(G/K2G)
%C = C0-(0.9*G)-(0.947*B)-(0.9*E/0.511)-(1.137*(X-X0))
%C = 83.65-(0.9*y(2))-(0.947*y(3))-(0.9*y(4)/0.511)-(1.137*(y(1)-1.04))
%%% Glucose equations
% rG = ((1/b(8))*(dx/dt))-(b(9)*y(1));
% b(8) = YXG;
% b(9) = m;
YXG = b(8)
m = b(9);
%rG = ((1/YXG)*(dX/dt))-(m*X)
%%% Ethanol Concentration
% b(10) = k3;
k3 = b(10);
Et = k3*(u*X)*(1/YXG);
%Material balance equations
dXdt = u*X;
rG = ((1/b(8))*(dXdt))-(b(9)*y(1));
dGdt = (r2/0.95)-rG;
dBdt = (r1/0.947)-r2;
dEdt = Et;
dydt = [dXdt;dGdt;dBdt;dEdt];
EDIT — (15 Aug 2024 at 03:00)
Unfortunately, I cannot run your code in MATLAB Online. About two minutes after starting it, it produces:
Error using cat
Requested 4x7x23738800 (5.0GB) array exceeds maximum array size preference (5.0GB). This might cause MATLAB to become
Error in
ode45 (line 425)
f3d = cat(3,f3d,zeros(neq, 7, chunk, 'like', prototype));
Error in
Alfred_2024_08_15>toODE (line 48)
sol = ode45(@(t,y)batchferment(t,y,b),tspan,y0);
Error in optim.problemdef.fcn2optimexpr
Error in optim.problemdef.fcn2optimexpr
Error in fcn2optimexpr
Error in
Alfred_2024_08_15 (line 56)
myfcn = fcn2optimexpr(@toODE,b,timeex,y0);
Since you will likely be able to run your code (I am not certain I would be able to, for the same reason MATLAB Online cannot), please post back any subsequent errors that your code may throw. It may be possible to correct them without actually running your code.
  5 个评论
Star Strider
Star Strider 2024-8-26
编辑:Star Strider 2024-8-26
As always, my pleasure!
My revision of your code works. The problem is that it produces matrices that are too large for MATLAB Online.
Does it run successfully on your computer?
EDIT — (26 Aug 2024 at 17:37)
This is not a problem-oriented approach (that may not have existed when I wrote this code), however to use the Genetic Algoriithm (ga) for projects such as these, this approach works —
c=[0.902 0.06997 0.02463 0.00218
0.8072 0.1353 0.0482 0.008192
0.6757 0.2123 0.0864 0.0289
0.5569 0.2789 0.1063 0.06233
0.4297 0.3292 0.1476 0.09756
0.3774 0.3457 0.1485 0.1255
0.2149 0.3486 0.1821 0.2526
0.141 0.3254 0.194 0.3401
0.04921 0.2445 0.1742 0.5277
0.0178 0.1728 0.1732 0.6323
0.006431 0.1091 0.1137 0.7702
0.002595 0.08301 0.08224 0.835];
% theta0=[1;1;1;1;1;1];
% % [theta,Rsdnrm,Rsd,ExFlg,OptmInfo,Lmda,Jmat]=lsqcurvefit(@kinetics,theta0,t,c);
ftns = @(theta) norm(c-kinetics(theta,t));
PopSz = 150;
Parms = 10;
optsAns = optimoptions('ga', 'PopulationSize',PopSz, 'InitialPopulationMatrix',randi(1E+4,PopSz,Parms)*1E-3, 'MaxGenerations',5E3, 'FunctionTolerance',1E-10); % Options Structure For 'Answers' Problems
% opts = optimoptions('ga', 'PopulationSize',PopSz, 'InitialPopulationMatrix',randi(1E+4,PopSz,Parms)*1E-3, 'MaxGenerations',5E3, 'FunctionTolerance',1E-10, 'PlotFcn',@gaplotbestf, 'PlotInterval',1);
t0 = clock;
fprintf('\nStart Time: %4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%07.4f\n', t0)
Start Time: 2024-08-26 17:30:18.0197
[theta,fval,exitflag,output,population,scores] = ga(ftns, Parms, [],[],[],[],zeros(Parms,1),Inf(Parms,1),[],[],optsAns);
ga stopped because the average change in the fitness value is less than options.FunctionTolerance.
t1 = clock;
fprintf('\nStop Time: %4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%07.4f\n', t1)
Stop Time: 2024-08-26 17:31:25.5311
GA_Time = etime(t1,t0)
GA_Time = 67.5114
DT_GA_Time = datetime([0 0 0 0 0 GA_Time], 'Format','HH:mm:ss.SSS');
fprintf('\nElapsed Time: %23.15E\t\t%s\n\n', GA_Time, DT_GA_Time)
Elapsed Time: 6.751140800000000E+01 00:01:07.511
fprintf('Fitness value at convergence = %.4f\nGenerations \t\t\t\t = %d\n\n',fval,output.generations)
Fitness value at convergence = 0.2328 Generations = 1616
fprintf(1,'\tRate Constants:\n')
Rate Constants:
for k1 = 1:length(theta)
fprintf(1, '\t\tTheta(%2d) = %8.5f\n', k1, theta(k1))
Theta( 1) = 0.03251 Theta( 2) = 1.10289 Theta( 3) = 4.60035 Theta( 4) = 10.08034 Theta( 5) = 1.05261 Theta( 6) = 0.30051 Theta( 7) = 1.02803 Theta( 8) = 0.05707 Theta( 9) = 0.02482 Theta(10) = 0.00001
tv = linspace(min(t), max(t));
Cfit = kinetics(theta, tv);
hd = plot(t, c, 'p');
for k1 = 1:size(c,2)
CV(k1,:) = hd(k1).Color;
hd(k1).MarkerFaceColor = CV(k1,:);
hold on
hlp = plot(tv, Cfit);
for k1 = 1:size(c,2)
hlp(k1).Color = CV(k1,:);
hold off
legend(hlp, compose('C_%d',1:size(c,2)), 'Location','N')
function C=kinetics(theta,t)
c0 = theta(7:10);
% c0=[1;0;0;0];
function dC=DifEq(t,c)
dcdt(2)= theta(1).*c(1)+theta(4).*c(3)-theta(3).*c(2)-theta(5).*c(2);
dcdt(3)= theta(2).*c(1)+theta(3).*c(2)-theta(4).*c(3)+theta(6).*c(4);
dcdt(4)= theta(5).*c(2)-theta(6).*c(4);
Use the parameter estimates (‘theta’ values) as initial parameter estimates to lsqcurvefit if they give a good fit to your data with ga. (I have to use ‘optsAns’ to run it here, however using the ‘opts’ option structure will give you more information when you run it on your own computer.)
Alfred 2024-8-26
编辑:Alfred 2024-8-26
I have refined some parts, but still errors.
Find the codes that I had run from the same Excel data.
Kindly help me diagnose the problem. I don't understand the errors.
Thank you.
%Fermentation data
Xdata = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','e2:e13');
Gdata = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','b2:b13');
Bdata = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','c2:c13');
Edata = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','d2:d13');
% Group all data into yariable y
yinv =[Xdata'; Gdata'; Bdata'; Edata'];
%Data for time
timeex = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','a2:a13');
%Set ODE solver
% Initial cell biomass concentration (Initial condition)
y0=[1.04 0.78 0.00 0.00];
%Fermentation time
tspan = (0:2:72);
%Set optimization problem
%Let b = matrix of paramters to be determined
% b= [um ks k1 K1G K1B k2 K2G YXG m k3]
b = optimvar('b',9,"LowerBound",0,"UpperBound",20.75);
%Set functions for ODE solver for solving ODE
function solferment = toODE(b,tspan,y0)
sol = ode45(@(t,y)batchferment(t,y,b),tspan,y0);
solferment = deval(sol,tspan);
%Convert function for ODE solving to optimization expression
%To use RtoODE in an objective function, convert the function to an
%optimization expression by using fcn2optimexpr.
myfcn = fcn2optimexpr(@toODE,b,timeex,y0);
%Express the objective function as the sum of squared differences between
%the ODE solution and the solution with true parameters.
SSE = sum(sum((myfcn-yinv).^2));
%Create an optimization problem with the objective function SSE.
prob = optimproblem ("Description","Fit ODE parameters",'ObjectiveSense','min');
%Objective function (to be minimized)
prob.Objective = SSE;
%Show structure of problem
%Solve Problem
%To find the best-fitting parameters x, give an initial guess
%x0 for the solver and call solve.
% Set initial guesses of parameters
%initialGuess.b = [um ks k1 K1G K1B k2 K2G m k3]
initialGuess.b = [0.18 1.0 0.61 0.18 5.85 3.20 16.25 3.02 3.02];
%Solve optimization problem
[sol,optval] = solve(prob,initialGuess);
%Extract the results
%Fitted Parameters
bfinal =sol.b;
%Sum of square Error
SSEfinal = optval;
%Plot the simulated data and experimental data
%Call ODE to solve an equation using Final Fitted Parameters (bfinal)
solysim = ode45(@(t,y)batchferment(t,y,bfinal),tspan,y0);
%Evaluate the simulated results at specified tspan
ysim = deval(solysim,tspan);
%Plot graphs
xlabel('Time (h)')
ylabel('X (g/L)')
xlabel('Time (h)')
ylabel('G (g/L)')
xlabel('Time (h)')
ylabel('B (g/L)')
xlabel('Time (h)')
ylabel('E (g/L)')
%Equations for Batch
%y(1) = X = Biomass Concentration (g/l)
%y(2) = G = Glucose Concentration (g/l)
%y(3) = B = Cellobiose Concentration (g/L)
%y(4) = E = Ethanol Concentration (g/l)
function dydt = batchferment(t,y,b)
% y(1) = X;
% y(2) = G;
% y(3) = B;
% y(4) = E;
X = y(1);
G = y(2);
B = y(3);
E = y(4);
%%%Growth equations
%dx/dt = (um*X*G)/(KG+G)
u = b(1)*y(1)/(b(2)+y(1));
% b(1) = um (1/h);
% b(2) = ks (g/L);
um = b(1);
ks = b(2);
%%%Cellobiose equations
C = 88.95-(0.9*y(2))-(0.947*y(3))-(0.9*y(4)/0.511)-(1.137*(y(1)-1.04));
r1 = (b(3)*C)/(1+(y(2)/b(4))+(y(3)/b(5)));
r2 = (b(6)*y(3))/(1+(y(2)/b(7)));
% b(3) = k1;
% b(4) = K1G;
% b(5) = K1B;
% b(6) = k2;
% b(7) = K2G;
k1 = b(3);
K1G = b(4);
K1B = b(5);
k2 = b(6);
k2G = b(7);
%C = Cellulose concentration (g/l)
%C = C0-(0.9*G)-(0.947*B)-(0.9*E/0.511)-(1.137*(X-X0))
%r1 = (k1*C)/(1+(G/K1G)+(B/K1B))
%r2 = (k2*B)/(1+(G/K2G)
%C = C0-(0.9*G)-(0.947*B)-(0.9*E/0.511)-(1.137*(X-X0))
%C = 83.65-(0.9*y(2))-(0.947*y(3))-(0.9*y(4)/0.511)-(1.137*(y(1)-1.04))
%%% Glucose equations
rG = ((1/0.11)*(u*y(1)))-(b(8)*y(1));
% b(8) = m;
m = b(8);
%rG = ((1/YXG)*(dX/dt))-(m*X)
%%% Ethanol Concentration
% b(9) = k3;
k3 = b(9);
Et = b(9)*(u*y(1))*(1/0.11);
%Material balance equations
dXdt = u*y(1);
dGdt = (r2/0.95)-rG;
dBdt = (r1/0.947)-r2;
dEdt = Et;
dydt = [dXdt;dGdt;dBdt;dEdt];
The errors are below:
Warning: Failure at t=7.721088e-01. Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing the step size below the smallest value allowed (1.776357e-15) at time
> In ode45 (line 350)
In Trial>toODE (line 29)
In optim.problemdef.fcn2optimexpr
In optim.problemdef.fcn2optimexpr
In fcn2optimexpr
In Trial (line 36)
Error using deval (line 139)
Attempting to evaluate the solution outside the interval [0.000000e+00, 7.721088e-01] where it is defined.
Error in Trial>toODE (line 30)
solferment = deval(sol,tspan);
Error in optim.problemdef.fcn2optimexpr
Error in optim.problemdef.fcn2optimexpr
Error in fcn2optimexpr
Error in Trial (line 36)
myfcn = fcn2optimexpr(@toODE,b,timeex,y0);
Caused by:
Function evaluation failed while attempting to determine output size. The function might contain an error, or might not be well-defined at the
automatically-chosen point. To specify output size without function evaluation, use 'OutputSize'.


更多回答(1 个)

Torsten 2024-8-15
编辑:Torsten 2024-8-15
I replaced
C = b(11)-(0.9*y(2))-(0.947*y(3))-(0.9*y(4)/0.511)-(1.137*(y(1)-1.04));
C = b(1)-(0.9*y(2))-(0.947*y(3))-(0.9*y(4)/0.511)-(1.137*(y(1)-1.04));
in your code. b(11) does not exist.
And I was not sure what to insert for dx/dt in
rG = ((1/b(8))*(dx/dt))-(b(9)*y(1));
I used
rG = 1/b(8)*u-b(9)*y(1);
Maybe it must be
rG = 1/b(8)*u*X-b(9)*y(1);
The ODE integrator has problems with your differential equations at t = 6.19.
And to restrict all your parameters to be between 0 and 72 is quite strange - especially because tspan ends at 72.
%Fermentation data
Xdata = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','e2:e13');
Gdata = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','b2:b13');
Bdata = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','c2:c13');
Edata = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','d2:d13');
% Group all data into yariable y
yinv =[Xdata'; Gdata'; Bdata'; Edata'];
%Data for time
timeex = readmatrix('Batch1.xlsx','Sheet','sheet1','Range','a2:a13');
%Set ODE solver
% Initial cell biomass concentration (Initial condition)
y0=[1.04 0.78 0.00 0.00];
%Fermentation time
tspan = linspace(0,72);
%Set optimization problem
%Let b = matrix of paramters to be determined
% b= [um ks k1 K1G K1B k2 K2G YXG m k3]
%b = optimvar('b',10,"LowerBound",0,"UpperBound",72);
%Convert function for ODE solving to optimization expression
%To use RtoODE in an objective function, convert the function to an
%optimization expression by using fcn2optimexpr.
%myfcn = fcn2optimexpr(@toODE,b,timeex,y0);
%Express the objective function as the sum of squared differences between
%the ODE solution and the solution with true parameters.
%SSE = sum(sum((myfcn-yinv).^2));
%Create an optimization problem with the objective function SSE.
%prob = optimproblem ("Description","Fit ODE parameters",'ObjectiveSense','min');
%Objective function (to be minimized)
%prob.Objective = SSE;
%Show structure of problem
%Solve Problem
%To find the best-fitting parameters x, give an initial guess
%x0 for the solver and call solve.
% Set initial guesses of parameters
b0 = [0.18 1.0 0.61 0.18 5.85 3.20 16.25 0.11 3.40 3.02];
%Solve optimization problem
%[sol,optval] = solve(prob,initialGuess);
[bfinal,SSEfinal] = lsqcurvefit(@(b,xdata)toODE(b,xdata,y0),b0,timeex,yinv)
Warning: Failure at t=6.192305e+00. Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing the step size below the smallest value allowed (1.421085e-14) at time t.
Error using lsqcurvefit (line 312)
Function value and YDATA sizes are not equal.
%Extract the results
%Fitted Parameters
%bfinal =sol.b;
%Sum of square Error
%SSEfinal = optval;
%Plot the simulated data and experimental data
%Call ODE to solve an equation using Final Fitted Parameters (bfinal)
[~,ysim] = ode15s(@(t,y)batchferment(t,y,bfinal),tspan,y0);
%Evaluate the simulated results at specified tspan
%ysim = deval(solysim,tspan);
%Plot graphs
xlabel('Time (h)')
ylabel('X (g/L)')
xlabel('Time (h)')
ylabel('G (g/L)')
xlabel('Time (h)')
ylabel('B (g/L)')
xlabel('Time (h)')
ylabel('E (g/L)')
%Set functions for ODE solver for solving ODE
function solferment = toODE(b,timeex,y0)
[~,solferment] = ode15s(@(t,y)batchferment(t,y,b),timeex,y0);
%solferment = deval(sol,tspan);
%Equations for Batch
%y(1) = X = Biomass Concentration (g/l)
%y(2) = G = Glucose Concentration (g/l)
%y(3) = B = Cellobiose Concentration (g/L)
%y(4) = E = Ethanol Concentration (g/l)
function dydt = batchferment(t,y,b)
X=y(1) ;
G=y(2) ;
B=y(3) ;
E=y(4) ;
%%%Growth equations
%dx/dt = (um*X*G)/(KG+G)
u = (b(1)*y(1)*y(2))/(b(2)+y(2));
%u = (b(1)*X*G)/(b(2)+G);
um=b(1); % (1/h);
ks=b(2); % (g/L);
%%%Cellobiose equations
C = b(1)-(0.9*y(2))-(0.947*y(3))-(0.9*y(4)/0.511)-(1.137*(y(1)-1.04));
r1 = (b(3)*C)/(1+(y(2)/b(4))+(y(3)/b(5)));
r2 = (b(6)*y(3))/(1+(y(2)/b(7)));
k1=b(3) ;
K1G=b(4) ;
K1B=b(5) ;
k2=b(6) ;
K2G=b(7) ;
%C = Cellulose concentration (g/l)
%C = C0-(0.9*G)-(0.947*B)-(0.9*E/0.511)-(1.137*(X-X0))
%r1 = (k1*C)/(1+(G/K1G)+(B/K1B))
%r2 = (k2*B)/(1+(G/K2G)
%C = C0-(0.9*G)-(0.947*B)-(0.9*E/0.511)-(1.137*(X-X0))
%C = 83.65-(0.9*y(2))-(0.947*y(3))-(0.9*y(4)/0.511)-(1.137*(y(1)-1.04))
%%% Glucose equations
rG = 1/b(8)*u-b(9)*y(1);
YXG=b(8) ;
m=b(9) ;
%rG = ((1/YXG)*(dX/dt))-(m*X)
%%% Ethanol Concentration
k3=b(10) ;
Et = k3*(u*X)*(1/YXG);
%Material balance equations
dXdt = u*X;
dGdt = (r2/0.95)-rG;
dBdt = (r1/0.947)-r2;
dEdt = Et;
dydt = [dXdt;dGdt;dBdt;dEdt];


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