Hi @Enrico,
To address your query regarding, “I'm actually working with simscape and I was wondering if any way exist to get from a multibody model acting forces components, ad function of kinematic conditions. In simpler words, how can I get centrifugal, coriolis, gravitations, and accelerative forces components action on a mass or body of the system? Let's assume as first approximation we're working with rigid body (but I imagine would be in any case a good approximation also for other cases). I don't see any evident methd for getting them easily, unless repeating all required onerous calculations (futile to say I'm not going for :-D). In robotic toolbox all these components are directly derived from internal jacobians and kinematcs conditions. I was guessing any similar feature also exist in simscape. Remarks, I'm currently using simscape under simulink environment.Suggestions?”
Please see my response to your comments below.
The documentation provided by clicking link below provides information regarding modeling a manipulator arm using Simscape. It demonstrates various modeling techniques that can help you understand how to structure your models effectively for control and simulation purposes.
Here is another link below to documentation where you can use the jointPrimitivePaths method to identify joints involved in motion and by utilizing State objects returned by computeState,you can analyze joint velocities and positions.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.