How to read the properties information of kml data

33 次查看(过去 30 天)
I got geographical information using 'readgeotable',
but I want to bring properties information of actual kml data.
In more detail, I would like to bring each field within the kml data and the property information corresponding to the field.
Is there any way?

回答(1 个)

Shivam 2024-9-11,9:07
Using readgeotable for the kml data, gives a nxm table where n corresponds to no. of 'Placemark' inside the kml document. In the below mentioned workaround, I have used a sample data with 2 Placemarks, plotted it using wmmarker function and and illustrated how to extract individual field values.
>> T = readgeotable('path/to/kmlfile.kml');
>> wmmarker(T); % Plot the source locations on a web map.
>> T
T =
2×3 table
Shape Name Description
_______________________ ____________ ______________________________
(37.4223°N, 122.0822°W) "Location 1" "This is the first location."
(37.4220°N, 122.0850°W) "Location 2" "This is the second location."
>> fieldNames = T.Properties.VariableNames; % Get the keys (field names) of the table
fieldNames =
1×3 cell array
{'Shape'} {'Name'} {'Description'}
Here's how you can extract column corresponding to 'Shape' fieldName and also extract value of first row:
% Extract the 'Shape' column
shapeColumn = T.Shape;
% Access the first row of the 'Shape' column
firstShape = T.Shape(1);
Also note that I am providing the sample data in a .txt file because this community platform does not support attaching .kml files directly. You can copy the data from the .txt file into a .kml file on your system to test the workaround.
I hope it helps.


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