- Basic power electronics blocks (e.g., MOSFETs, diodes, and capacitors) to create the inverter.
- You can also use the “Universal Bridge” block in Simscape to model the inverter. You can configure it as a two-phase inverter to supply your PMLSM.
- You can use the “PMLSM” block and modify it to a two-phase configuration. This block usually represents a three-phase machine but by adjusting the parameters and simplifying you can create a two-phase equivalent.
- Customize the electrical and mechanical parameters of the motor such as the stator resistance, inductance, back EMF constant and the number of pole pairs.
- PMLSM block - https://www.mathworks.com/help/sps/ref/pmlsm.html
- Universal bridge block - https://www.mathworks.com/help/sps/powersys/ref/universalbridge.html