checkGradients, but the objective function has two inputs: x and xdata?

44 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm using lsqcurvefit with the following objective function and Jacobian:
function [f, jacF] = semiCircle(p, Q)
P0 = p(1);
Q0 = p(2);
r = p(3);
f = P0 + sqrt(r^2 - (Q-Q0).^2);
if nargout > 1 % need Jacobian
jacF = [1, (Q-Q0)./sqrt(r^2-(Q0-Q).^2), r./sqrt(r^2-(Q0-Q).^2)];
I'd like to use checkGradients to verify if the Jacobian is correct. However, all of the examples in the documentation just have objective functions with one input, the parameters 'x'. Whereas my function semiCircle has two inputs: the parameters 'p' and the xdata 'Q'. Is there a way to use checkGradients for such a function?


Torsten 2024-11-14,10:31
valid = checkGradients(@(p)semiCircle(p, Q),p0)
  9 个评论
Benjamin Pepper
Benjamin Pepper about 3 hours 前
I reached my daily uploads limit, so I'll just put the functions here:
function [R, X, Vg, gradientCheck] = lsqcurvefitNLS(p0, Q, P, Vo)
% Box constraints
p1_ub = min(P);
p2_lb = max(Q);
p3_lb = max(Q) - min(Q);
lb = [0, p2_lb, p3_lb];
ub = [p1_ub, inf, inf];
% Linear constraints
A = [0, 1, -1];
b = min(Q);
gradientCheck = checkGradients(@(p)semiCircle(p,Q),p0);
options = optimoptions('lsqcurvefit','Display','off','SpecifyObjectiveGradient',true);
p = lsqcurvefit(@semiCircle, p0, Q, P, lb, ub, A, b, [], [], [], options);
P0 = p(1);
Q0 = p(2);
r = p(3);
R = P0/(P0^2 + Q0^2)*Vo^2;
X = Q0/(P0^2 + Q0^2)*Vo^2;
Vg = sqrt(r^2/(P0^2 + Q0^2)*Vo^2);
And the other one:
function [f, jacF] = semiCircle(p, Q)
P0 = p(1);
Q0 = p(2);
r = p(3);
f = P0 + sqrt(r^2 - (Q-Q0).^2);
if nargout > 1 % need Jacobian
jacF = zeros(length(Q), length(p));
for i = 1:length(Q)
jacF(i,:) = [1, (Q(i)-Q0)/sqrt(r^2-(Q0-Q(i))^2), r/sqrt(r^2-(Q0-Q(i))^2)];


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