I kept getting errors when using the comms toolbox support package for usrp radio, I get
error (see warning: below). I did similar wizard setup when assigning ip to N310, but no errors with that sdr. My only thought is because im using 1 NIC to set two total ips for the SDRs N210 and N310? Any input welcome!
Warning: The specified key is not present in this container.
> In matlab.hwmgr.internal.hwsetup.Workflow>manageWorkflowForOpenApp (line 375)
In matlab.hwmgr.internal.hwsetup/Workflow/delete (line 214)
In matlab.hwmgr.internal.hwsetup.Workflow>manageWorkflowForOpenApp (line 375)
In matlab.hwmgr.internal.hwsetup/Workflow/delete (line 214)
In matlab.hwmgr.internal.hwsetup.Widget.close (line 172)
In matlab.hwmgr.internal.hwsetup/WidgetPeer/delete (line 28)
In matlab.hwmgr.internal.hwsetup.Window.onDeleteFcn (line 126)
In matlab.ui.internal.controller.FigureController>@(o,e)this.Model.hgclose() (line 658)
In internal.Callback.execute (line 128)
In matlab.internal.cef/webwindow/onCustomEvent (line 1471)
In matlab.internal.cef.webwindow>@(source,data)obj.onCustomEvent(data.Type,data.Data) (line 348)
In matlabshared.asyncio.internal/Channel/onCustomEvent (line 575)
In matlabshared.asyncio.internal.Channel>@(source,data)obj.onCustomEvent(data.Type,data.Data) (line 473)