Modelling of the antenna environment with the new Antenna Toolbox

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Dear all,
I have always worked with other software alternatives in order to simulate the field propagation and the S-Parameters between antennas under different environments. These softwares offer the possibility of modelling the environment of the antenna with frameworks which are similar to CAD softwares.
I am relly interested in the possibility of employing the antenna toolbox of Matlab as an alternative. Therefore, I would like to know the limits of this toolbox. For example:
  1. How can I model the environment? (design different scatters, border conditions, etc.)
  2. Is it possible to place more than one antenna (not an array, but "independent" antennas) in one model and, for example, get the S-parameters between them?
Best regards,

回答(1 个)

Vishwanath Iyer
Vishwanath Iyer 2015-6-3
Currently the Antenna Toolbox does not have a way to handle the environment or independent antennas.


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