Inverse fourier transform Imginary Components

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
When I take an image and do fft on it in Matlab it produces a complex matrix. If I take the ifft of that image, it produces a double array. When doing the ifft, does matlab discard the imaginary component of the image, if any?


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-5-30
When you have a set of fourier coefficients that are in complex conjugates pairs, then the result of the inverse fourier is always real-valued; see here for one
It is not a matter of discarding any complex part: it is that the result of the inverse transformation you did had only 0's for the complex part, and MATLAB automatically leaves out an all-0 complex part.
If you had done an inverse fft of coefficients that did not have the complex-conjugate symmetries then the result would have been something that had non-zero complex parts.
  2 个评论
DSP Student
DSP Student 2015-5-30
Will this hold even if I convolve the image with a filter, and then do ifft.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-5-30
Yes, if you convolve the spatial domain image in the spatial domain with a spatial filter. A "round trip" will still be real.
No, if you convolve the spectrum in the Fourier domain with a filter. That may make the spectrum non-Hermitian and thus introduce imaginary components when transformed back to the spatial domain.


更多回答(2 个)

Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2015-5-30
Matlab discards nothing of the ifft.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-5-30
Ikenna, look at the Fourier Transform properties table about a third of the way down this page:
I haven't tried it, but if you do a round trip with a real matrix and have some small imaginary component then it could be just some kind of precision/rounding/truncation issue, since the theory says it should be purely real again. But any imaginary component should be very small if it's even there at all.

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