Current figure handle ignoring my open figure

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am using gcf
set(gcf, 'PaperPositionMode', 'manual');
to set figure properties so that I can print it as a .ps file.
However, upon executing, the statement opens a new figure and applies the changes to this one. Hence, my .ps file is empty. Any clue to what could be happening? The close all statement also does not work for my figure, I have to close it manually.
What's weird is that it was working the last time I worked on my project. When I opened it again today, it wasn't. I tried to debug it, but with no success. When I rewrote exactly what I had, it worked again. And now, it has stopped working.


Alfonso Nieto-Castanon
编辑:Alfonso Nieto-Castanon 2015-6-2
most likely reason is that your figure has its HandleVisibility property set to 'off' or 'callback' (so its handle is partially hidden). Use findall to find hidden handles, and/or use close all hidden to close all figures (included ones with hidden handles), or close all hidden force if your figure has also altered its CloseRequestFcn property to avoid closure.

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