Scatter plot mutiple dataset

30 次查看(过去 30 天)
James 2015-6-7
I trying to scatterplot multiple data plots but cannot seem to do it correctly.
I tried
hold on
I just receive 2 figures with each separate scatterplot.. How do i put into one.. I have to merge 94 dataset into one scatterplot.. So...

回答(2 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-6-7
Try scatter() instead:
scatter(data1(:, 1), data1(:, 2));
hold on
scatter(data2(:, 1), data2(:, 2));
  2 个评论
James 2015-6-7
That seem to work.. Do have any idea on how to not manually plot each individual dataset?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-6-7
What's wrong with the code? How is this "manual" and not "automatic"? scatter() does nearly all the work (all you have to do is to simply call it) - isn't that "automatic"? And what difference does it make as long as it does the job?


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-6-7
h = scatterplot(data1);
hold on
scatterplot(data2, h);
You might need to provide all of the arguments for the second call to scatterplot(); see the documentation page.


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