how to do convolution without commands

44 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, im trying to do convolution without any of the commands in matlab.
Just plain for, this is because im trying to use a code that can also be implemented on C.
So far I have this
x=[1 2 3]
h=[-1 0 3]
for n=1:1:N
for o=1:1:O


Chandra Kurniawan
Chandra Kurniawan 2011-11-27
Hi, Omar. Do you seeking for 2D convolution code without Matlab toolbox command?? I have the code below
function B = convolve(A, k);
[r c] = size(A);
[m n] = size(k);
h = rot90(k, 2);
center = floor((size(h)+1)/2);
left = center(2) - 1;
right = n - center(2);
top = center(1) - 1;
bottom = m - center(1);
Rep = zeros(r + top + bottom, c + left + right);
for x = 1 + top : r + top
for y = 1 + left : c + left
Rep(x,y) = A(x - top, y - left);
B = zeros(r , c);
for x = 1 : r
for y = 1 : c
for i = 1 : m
for j = 1 : n
q = x - 1;
w = y -1;
B(x, y) = B(x, y) + (Rep(i + q, j + w) * h(i, j));
Save the following code with filename 'convolve.m'. And then create a new m-file and type this code :
clear; clc;
I = [4 4 3 5 4;
6 6 5 5 2;
5 6 6 6 2;
6 7 5 5 3;
3 5 2 4 4];
k = [0 -1 0;
-1 4 -1;
0 -1 0];
Hsl = convolve(I, k)
Watch at the result! You can also compare the result with the matlab toolbox command 'conv2'
Bnd = conv2(I,k,'same')
The both results are same :
Hsl =
6 3 -2 8 9
9 3 0 2 -3
2 0 2 6 -3
9 6 0 2 1
1 8 -6 5 9
Bnd =
6 3 -2 8 9
9 3 0 2 -3
2 0 2 6 -3
9 6 0 2 1
1 8 -6 5 9
  1 个评论
David Young
David Young 2011-11-27
This is a little more complex than necessary - you don't need the first loop that reflects A, just change the index computation in the second loop to reflect the mathematical definition of convolution.


更多回答(5 个)

Wayne King
Wayne King 2011-11-27
I take it when you say "without commands", you really are just saying without conv(). It appears to me you have 1-D vectors from your initial post. Specifically, you give the example:
x=[1 2 3];
h=[-1 0 3];
You can exploit the relationship between linear convolution, circular convolution, and the DFT by extending the length of your input vectors with zero-padding, multiplying their DFTs, and then taking the inverse DFT.
x = [1 2 3]';
h = [-1 0 3]';
N = length(x)+length(h)-1;
x1 = [x; zeros(N-length(x),1)];
h1 = [h; zeros(N-length(h),1)];
convxh = ifft(fft(x1).*fft(h1));
Compare convxh with
  1 个评论
omar chavez
omar chavez 2011-11-27
yes you are right. The thing is that, since the code should be able to apply in several platforms I cant use ifft or fft. Im trying to prove that a code can be put in several languages, like matlab, C,etc


DI 2015-3-16
The first answer is not actually full size.
Full size will be like this:
% Written by Dizeng 3/15/2015. Full convolution.
function B = convolve(A, k)
[r,c] = size(A);
[m,n] = size(k);
h = rot90(k, 2);
center = floor((size(h)+1)/2);
Rep = zeros(r + m*2-2, c + n*2-2);
for x = m : m+r-1
for y = n : n+r-1
Rep(x,y) = A(x-m+1, y-n+1);
B = zeros(r+m-1,n+c-1);
for x = 1 : r+m-1
for y = 1 : n+c-1
for i = 1 : m
for j = 1 : n
B(x, y) = B(x, y) + (Rep(x+i-1, y+j-1) * h(i, j));
Hope it will be helpful to others...

Those convolutions are convolutions with padding=1, how do you do for padding=0?

Sk Group
Sk Group 2021-10-25
Convolution without conv function in MATLAB | Complete CODE | Explanation | Example And Output

VIGNESH B S 2022-7-28
% The code below is for convolution without conv command.
% Idea behind it is multiplying a element of x with every element in h and
% adding them with a shift.
% Eg: x = [1,2] and h = [4,5,6] say, h is transformed to [3,4,5,0] ; no.of
% zeros to add after h is given by min(len(x) ,len(h)) -1). als zero is
% added so problems with vector addn is removed. (ouput of conv is of same
% length as transformed h).
%then you perform x(1).*h = [4,5,6,0] and x(2).*h = [8,10,12,0] when x(i)
%if i>2 -> you add zeros to the result of x(i).*h in at index 1 and shift
%it. y = conv of x and h = [4,5,6,0] + [0,8,10,12].
x = input('Enter x [..] '); %getting input x and h
Unable to run the 'fevalJSON' function because it calls the 'input' function, which is not supported for this product offering.
h = input('Enter h [..] ');
if length(x)>length(h)
temp_var = x;
x = h;
h = temp_var;
y = zeros(1,(length(x)+length(h)-1));
min_val = [length(x),length(h)];
r = min(min_val)-1; ;%minimum of x and h -1
hi = [h,zeros(1,r)];
for i = 1:length(x)
temp = x(i).*hi;
% disp(temp)
if i>=2
tempi = [zeros(1,i-1),temp(1:end-i+1)];
tempi = temp;
y = y + tempi;
disp('The convolution of x and h is:' );


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