How do I use a value of a pop-up menu (in the GUI) in an if-loop?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
i'm writing an interface with the GUI for an oscilloscope. I want to use the value of a pop-up menu in an if-loop to determine the scale of my oscilloscope.
this is the code i wrote:
contents = get(handles.popupmenu1,'String');
energyLevel = contents(get(handles.popupmenu1,'Value'))
if strcmp(energyLevel, '100') | strcmp(energyLevel, '150')
set(deviceObj.Channel(1), 'Scale', 0.2);
set(deviceObj.Channel(2), 'Scale', 0.2);
else set(deviceObj.Channel(1), 'Scale', 0.5);
set(deviceObj.Channel(2), 'Scale', 0.5);
Only it gives the following error: A nested function cannot be defined inside a control statement (if, while, for, switch or try-catch).
Be aware that in addition to this message, other messages might appear in the file. Such as, statement might not be aligned with its matching END and Parse error at END: usage might be invalid MATLAB syntax. When you remove the nested function definition from the control statement, these other messages might disappear
I am not familiar with this error. Can somebody help me?

回答(1 个)

Ingrid 2015-6-17
编辑:Ingrid 2015-6-17
are you not just missing an end or did you forgot to copy it?
energyLevel = str2double(contents(get(handles.popupmenu1,'String')))
if or(energyLevel==100,energyLevel==150)
set(deviceObj.Channel(1), 'Scale', 0.2);
set(deviceObj.Channel(2), 'Scale', 0.2);
set(deviceObj.Channel(1), 'Scale', 0.5);
set(deviceObj.Channel(2), 'Scale', 0.5);
  2 个评论
Pien_ 2015-6-17
I forgot to copy! Oops.
However, even with your adapted code, it still gives the same error. When I try to run it is also says: Function definition is misplaced or improperly nested.
Ingrid 2015-6-17
I do not think the mistake is in this code but somewhere else in your file which is difficult to assess here


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