Approximate Entropy Calculation for an Image

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
How can we compute the APPROXIMATE ENTROPY of an IMAGE.
Please help,


Thorsten 2015-6-29
function E = entropy(I)
% Assume I in the range 0..1
p = hist(I(:), linspace(0,1,256)); % create histogram
p(p==0) = []; % remove zero entries that would cause log2 to return NaN
p = p/numel(I); % normalize histogram to unity
E = -sum(p.*log2(p)); % entropy definition
  3 个评论
Marcus Tan
Marcus Tan 2021-7-25
Can someone guide me also how to calculate the approximate entropy of an Spectrogram image transformed from EEG signal? I have seen number of file exchange but none of them work.


更多回答(1 个)

Maria da Luz
Maria da Luz 2024-4-29
Como recortar a região de interrese dessa imagem que neste caso é a mandibula.só a parte branca


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