executable standalone with mex file

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello i'm using a mex file to connect a matlab with a UDP camera (NET camera GigeEpro GP4206M). Mex file is compiled using the following script: "mex -v mexcamera2.cpp sv.synview.class.cpp sv.synview.lib sv.synview.ini.lib sv.synview.imgproc.lib sv.synview.display.lib", the compilation ends correctly and (in matlab) i'm able to use it for connecting the camera. When i try to create the exe file (standalone), all the .m and mex files are automatically included and the coder works correctly generating the exe output. When i open the exe, the application created is not able to connect and open the camera without any errors..simply the camera doesn't start!!. It is quite strange, in matlab it works..the exe not. i'm not sure about the mex compilaton: is it correct to use mex... or i have to use build...or other options? Any suggestion? Many thanks. Enrico
  1 个评论
Adam 2015-7-2
编辑:Adam 2015-7-2
Are there .dll files that are required to run? If so these have to be packaged into the compiler as well as the mex file.


回答(1 个)

Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer 2015-7-2
Hi Enrico,
you need to make sure that the mex file can load the synview.dll (files), which I guess are somewhere "near" your synview.lib files? You can add them in the deploytool ...


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