randn, awgn, wgn

13 次查看(过去 30 天)
PChoppala 2011-12-1
Hi I have a small doubt. Is
a = awgn(randn(20,20), 6.7) and
a = wgn(20,20,6.7) the same
Aim is, I want a 20X20 frame with a SNR = 6.7 dB

回答(1 个)

Wayne King
Wayne King 2011-12-1
Hi, SNR implies that you have a signal, in your call to awgn() you have no signal, just noise.
If you use awgn() you should input your signal and awgn() will add noise at the specified SNR.
  3 个评论
Wayne King
Wayne King 2011-12-1
but don't want your "frame" to be a matrix of constants then? Again, SNR implies that you have a signal. Do you really want to call randn(20,20) a signal. If you just want noise of a specified variance, that is different than SNR
PChoppala 2011-12-1
Well, I am typing the statement as it is given in the book. Please help me out.
1. A frame of data has been generated with n=20, m=20 and std = 3
Can you help me create a frame with only this data?
2. The initial SNR of the frame is 6.7
Add this data as well and help me create the frame
Cheers a lot.



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