how i can have gradient of a multivariate function like f(x,y) in a single function?

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
i define multivariate function f by syms order and wish have gradient f in especial point like x0 and i can not use from for loop
for example :
syms f(x,y)
i wish have


Brendan Hamm
Brendan Hamm 2015-7-10
编辑:Brendan Hamm 2015-7-10
If you want this for a specific function you can just create the function directly:
>> g = @(x,y) [2*x,2*y];
>> g(1,1)
ans =
2 2
Using the symbolic toolbox you can do the following:
syms x y
f = x^2 + y^2;
g = gradient(f,[x y]);
subs(g,[x y],[1,1])
or if you really wanted this in a single function:
syms x y
f = x^2 + y^2;
g = @(x0,y0) subs(gradient(f,[x y]),[x y],[x0 y0]);
  1 个评论
xosro 2015-7-10
编辑:xosro 2015-7-10
tank you about your answer but my new problem is i do not know number of variables f because f is my input of my code then i can not write if x=[1;1]; g(x)


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