Mono and stereo sound systems

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Shadi Ayyad
Shadi Ayyad 2015-7-14
Hi, Is there a MATLAB code that differentiate between mono and stereo sound channels? I mean, for example, in a GSM call conversation between two speakers can we detect when the left channel (speaker 1) is running and when the right channel (speaker 2) is running? thanks in advance.
  1 个评论
Shadi Ayyad
Shadi Ayyad 2015-7-14
编辑:Shadi Ayyad 2015-7-14
In fact, I am searching precisely for a left/right channel detection, i.e., detect which sound channel is currently in progress. I'm not trying to distinguish between stereo and mono, i am trying to distinguish between stereo and dual-mono ("fake" stereo).
In a "real" stereo clip, the left and right channels will both contain data, but they will be different.
In a "fake" Stereo - where its Dual-Mono - Both channels still have audio, except they are identical.


回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-7-15
Why not just take a sampling of the channels and compare? Or compare with tolerance?
N = 512; %for example
d = Samples(1:N,1) - Samples(1:N,2);
if ~any(d)
%data is completely identical, bit-for-bit
if all(abs(d) < 1/10000)
%data is nearly identical, a bit of noise maybe
Trickier would be if one channel is a delayed version of the other. But at that point do you care? More important would be to determine the extent to which sounds are echoing for echo cancellation purposes; there is demo code for that.
  4 个评论
Shadi Ayyad
Shadi Ayyad 2015-7-22
the difference is that I need flexibility and easiness in my code, it is a bit noisy and time-consuming to split each stereo file into two mono ones since i have a large number of files.
Shadi Ayyad
Shadi Ayyad 2015-7-28
please, do u have an idea about this ? This is a graduate project



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