Hi in have created .exe file from .m file using MCC but still not able to run the exe file without matlab .

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
showing error that some .dll is missing
  1 个评论
B.k Sumedha
B.k Sumedha 2015-7-21
编辑:B.k Sumedha 2015-7-21
Which dll is missing?Isn't displaying the name of the dll? Post the error in a proper way so that readers can understand the error. What do you mean by "showing error that some .dll is missing"


回答(1 个)

Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer 2015-7-21
did you run the MCR Installer on the machine not having MATLAB? Take a look here how it works: deployment process.


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