Need to remove '~' in column 5 of text file

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content = fileread('mwithin21rm.txt');
linestocopy = regexp(content, '^([^|]*\|){5}~\|.*$', 'match', 'dotexceptnewline', 'lineanchors');
newfile = fopen('m21rmmorphU.txt', 'wt');
fprintf(newfile, strjoin(linestocopy, '\n'));
I need to remove the '~' in column 4 from each line of the text file. The code above moves those lines into a new text file, but I need to eliminate those lines instead. I have attached the file, mwithin21rm.txt.
  2 个评论
Cedric 2015-7-30
编辑:Cedric 2015-7-30
There is no '~' in column 4; seeing your pattern, it is column 5.
jgillis16 2015-7-30
Apologies for the mistake. Thanks for catching it! Do you have any idea on how to proceed?



Cedric 2015-7-30
编辑:Cedric 2015-7-30
UPDATE 5:04pm
% - Read original.
content = fileread( 'mwithin21rm.txt' ) ;
% - Match and eliminate lines without pattern matching.
sepId = reshape( strfind( content, '|' ), 18, [] ) ;
match = content(sepId(4,:)+1) == '~' ;
lines = strsplit( content, '\n' ) ;
lines(match) = [] ;
% - Export updated content.
fId = fopen( 'm21rmmorphU.txt', 'w' ) ;
fprintf( fId, strjoin( lines, '\n' )) ;
fclose( fId ) ;
If I understand well (in particular about col. 5), you want something like this:
% - Read original.
content = fileread( 'mwithin21rm.txt' ) ;
% - Replacement which avoids pattern matching.
sepId = reshape( strfind( content, '|' ), 18, [] ) ;
match = content(sepId(4,:)+1) == '~' ;
content(sepId(4,match)+1) = '' ;
% - Export updated content.
fId = fopen( 'm21rmmorphU.txt', 'w' ) ;
fwrite( fId, content ) ;
fclose( fId ) ;
PS: I love regular expressions ;-) but this seems to be a case where we can avoid their complexity.
  3 个评论


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