Why am I getting "Undefined operator '*' for input arguments of type 'cell'." when I run this code?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Why would multiplication need to be defined in the last equation in my code but not in the ones above it?
if true
format long
a = 1
b = 3*10^-7
c = 5*10^-8
f0 = 4*10^9
sigma = 0.2
t0 = 0
tmax = 2*b
t = 6*10^-9
omega = 2*pi*f
omega0 = 2*pi*f0
yt = a*exp((-(t-b)^2)/((2*c)^2));
Ff = sqrt(pi/2)*a*c*exp(-7.8957e+05 - 7.5398e+03i)*[erfi(4.2426)-erfi(-4.2426)]
Zf = (sqrt(-1)*sqrt(pi/2)*((a*c*sigma)/4)*exp(-((2*pi*f+omega0)*(c^2*(2*pi*f+omega0)+2*sqrt(-1)*b))))*{-exp(4*pi*c^2*f*omega0+2*sqrt(-1)*b*omega0)*[erfi(((tmax-b+sqrt(-1)*c^2)*(2*pi*f-omega0))/(sqrt(2)*c))-erfi(((t0-b+sqrt(-1)*c^2)*(2*pi*f-omega0))/(sqrt(2)*c))]+[erfi(((tmax-b+sqrt(-1)*c^2)*(2*pi*f+omega0))/(sqrt(-1)*c))-erfi(((t0-b+sqrt(-1)*c^2)*(2*pi*f+omega0))/(sqrt(-1)*c))]}
% code
This is the code I'm trying to run and it is able to solve all the way up to Ff. I'm confused.


Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2015-8-5
You use a { which creates a cell array (container). You probably want to use a [ or ( instead.
  5 个评论
Zakia wani
Zakia wani 2016-11-23
编辑:Zakia wani 2016-11-23
i am getting same error.. Undefined operator '*' for input arguments of type 'cell'. for this code
f= open ('c1.fig');
sp1data = findobj(subplot(4,3,1), 'Type', 'line');
y1 = get (sp1data,'Ydata');
T1 = (-0.3164*y1+161.84);
i tried to use .* instead of only * it still shows same error.. how to multiply then
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-11-23
Your findobj is finding multiple objects. When you have multiple objects in a get then the output is returned in a cell array. Cell arrays cannot be multiplied but you could use cellfun to multiply the entries producing a cell array of results.


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