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How to tune PID for a Output(t) = k*Input(t) system?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Here comes a very simple system: Output(t) = k * Input(t), And a control reference of 1 is to be achieved.
I am adding a feedback PID controller to the system. I have two questions:
1. Is it correct to say that adding a PID controller with P is enough?
2. Is P = 1/k? Since if we make P = 1/k, in theory, the adjustment will be (-1/k*error), then the system will be perfectly compensated.

回答(1 个)

Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy 2015-8-13
Plant model does not have an integrator in it, so you need an integral term to achieve zero steady-state error. In other words, if the controller is simply Kp, closed loop transfer function in Kp*K/(1+Kp*K). For Kp=1/K, closed loop transfer function is 1/K*K/(1+1/K*K)=1/2=0.5.
To get zero steady state error you need to add an intergral control. Integral control is all you really need in this case. Hope this helps.


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