Reading excel data from file and using datetick

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Below is a screenshot of an excel file I have and I am trying to plot the first column as x-axis and second column as y-axis.
So, I wrote the following code
function letsplot
exl = actxserver('excel.application');
exlWkbk = exl.Workbooks;
folder = 'C:\Users\shankyaw\Desktop\icandoit';
FilesNeeded = dir(fullfile(folder,'\*.xlsx'))
sd = length(FilesNeeded)
lBoxList = cell(sd,1);
myRange1 = 'A1:A36000';
myRange2 = 'B1:B36000';
for i = 1:sd
exlFile = exlWkbk.Open(fullfile(folder,FilesNeeded(i).name));
if i == 1
time_myar = exlSheet1.Range(myRange1).Value; %%problem is here??
Efield(:,i) = cell2mat(exlSheet1.Range(myRange2).Value);
Efield(:,i) = cell2mat(exlSheet1.Range(myRange2).Value);
lBoxList{i,1} = FilesNeeded(i).name;
timetime = datenum(time_myar); %%problem is here??
However, I get the error message that says
Error using datenum (line 179) DATENUM failed.
Error in EFieldPlotting (line 10) timetime = datenum(time_myar);
Caused by: Error using datevec (line 104) The input to DATEVEC was not an array of strings.
I tried both cellstr and datestr as below:
time_myar = cellstr(exlSheet1.Range(myRange1).Value); time_myar = datestr(exlSheet1.Range(myRange1).Value);
But, the error is still there. Can some kind soul help me guide how to overcome this error message.


dpb 2015-8-11
Dates were read as numeric Excel dates; not as string values. See exceltime to convert to Matlab-consistent date numbers if have late revision otherwise, read the notes on the differences between Excel and Matlab and make the fixup manually.
NB: though, unless you have more resolution than displayed in the spreadsheet (always a possibility, but not a given), there isn't enough precision to make the values unique for a major portion of the data shown.

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