MATLAB is calling the wrong function, but the 'which' command gives me the right one. How to fix?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to debug some code by taking a local copy of a particular function and getting MATLAB to call this one. However it is not working. Example: fvcustom is an object that multiple other objects use, but it has a bug. I take a local copy of fvcustom and a 'which' command confirms that this is the highest version in my path
>> which fvcustom
However when I try to debug and call a parent object to fvcustom, it calls the function in the central repository which I can't edit:
Can anyone help me out with this? I must be doing something stupid.


Rob Holmes
Rob Holmes 2015-9-4
OK there is still an issue there, but I've applied a workaround which is kind of similar to Star Strider's second comment.
  1. take a local copy of the entire central repository
  2. remove the central repo from my path
  3. MATLAB cannot now see the central repo and so does not get confused

更多回答(2 个)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2015-9-4
which fvcustom -all
Q = which('fvcustom','-all')
to find all of them. The function form returns a cell array with the full path to each of them.
  4 个评论


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-9-4
Try using the path tool (on the toolbar) to change the order of the search path to put the one you want first.


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